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The top 10 SEO trends in 2024

SEO is constantly evolving and all professionals must constantly adjust their respective strategies to get the most out of search engines. The 2024 SEO trends are no exception: you will have to adapt your content marketing to appeal to Internet users and search engines.

Ideally, get help from an SEO consultant to optimize your strategy.

What does 2024 have in store for you in terms of SEO? EEAT criteria, position 0, user experience, AMP, Google Helpful Content Update, conversational keywords… Discover the elements to integrate or improve for high-performance content!

The top 10 SEO trends in 2024
The top 10 SEO trends in 2024

Carry out an SEO audit

Before trying to follow all the latest SEO trends, have you thought about carrying out an SEO audit of your site? Following the latest trends is good, but starting from a healthy base is even better!

Depending on the type of site you have (e-commerce, storefront, number of pages, etc.), the price of your audit can vary from simple to double. If you want to have an SEO audit costed for your website, it's free thanks to Codeur.com's online price simulator!

Try to receive a price range in just a few minutes based on the specifics of your website. If you seek help to improve the SEO of your site, your service provider will be able to advise you on the SEO trends most suited to achieving your objectives.

1. Quality content, adapted to Google EEAT criteria

The more quality the content you create, the more people read you and, above all, come back to appreciate your content. The more enjoyable the experience is for visitors, the higher your rankings increase.

So, if you want to please Google, without sacrificing reading quality for Internet users, adapt your articles to the meaningful EEAT criteria:

  1. Experience : criterion appeared in December 2022, Google evaluates whether the content creator has experience on the subject covered. To find out, the search engine can evaluate the reviews posted (proving that the author has already used a product or service related to the content theme), as well as test publications on social networks or a blog, for example .
  2. Expertise : Here, Google determines the level of expertise of the author and the site. How long has the content creator been talking about the topic/has the site been around?
  3. Authority : Authority is one level above expertise. The algorithms will look for proof of authority: awards, columns or press coverage, high-level backlinks, etc.
  4. Trustworthiness : is the author clearly displayed? Is the site known to be reliable? This is what this factor will determine.
  5. The goal of this Google EEAT is to offer solid, verified content from reliable sources to Internet users.

So what does quality content that matches Google EEAT factors look like?

  • It contains at least 1,500 words.
  • There are titles, subtitles, images, tables, bulleted lists, quotes, videos…
  • It links to other pages on the website.
  • It contains useful information and links to external reference sources.
  • It is signed by an identified author and expert in his field.
  • It is optimized so that Google understands what it is about.

2. Semantic search, still an essential SEO trend

It's about knowing how and why your users search. What answers, information, content or even experiences are they looking for?

There are simple principles you can follow in your editorial planning .

  1. Write for people, not search engines. This means developing content that is relevant, concise and written in easy-to-understand sentences. Include bullet points and lists that make it easy for people to browse and find the information they need. Finally, write naturally!
  2. Set up contextual internal linking on your website. Internal linking goes beyond creating logical click paths to related topics for your users. Done strategically, internal linking creates a data-rich, well-structured map of related content around a central topic or search term.
  3. Optimize content for topics rather than keywords. One strategy is to create clusters of valuable content around a high-level topic. A group of topics around SEO, for example, may include subtopics devoted to technical SEO, on-page SEO or backlinks. By building and optimizing topic clusters, you naturally create a connection between short- and long-tail keywords , which lends itself well to higher rankings.
  4. Use structured data (where it makes sense). Using a product, question, article, rating, or review helps bots find and understand your pages more easily. Search engines appreciate this, especially for Rich Snippets!

3. Les Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets aim to enhance the results that are displayed when a user performs a Google search.

When you ask a question on Google, a “ no-click result ” is displayed at the very top of the first page of search results. This box contains an image and an answer to your question. So you don't need to click to navigate to an article.

Not only are Rich Snippets useful, but they account for about half of Google search engine clicks, which is huge!

  1. Bad news: it's not you, but Google's automated algorithms that choose which content on a page to promote as a Featured Snippet.
  2. Good news: you can create detailed informational content that is easy to read. This content will be more likely to become a snippet.

Google algorithms generally select content that quickly answers specific questions. Consider doing research and building content around it. For example, “ How often should I wash my fridge?” “.

Providing useful information that will be used in these content snippets shows that your website contains valuable content. The trick is to provide enough useful information to be included, while still enticing the searcher to click through to your website for more details. Present information in bulleted lists and HTML tables that are easy for a computer to understand.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the snippet shown here has a list of bullet points. Note that Google chose to display an image from a different website than the one it took the listing from. Image SEO therefore also plays a role.

Can't get position 0 on Google? SEO experts can help you improve your site to improve its SEO. Receive their quotes quickly on jouplus.com .

4. Core Web Vitals and User Experience

Improving the visitor experience on your website is important to keep them coming back… but also to improve your ranking in search engines!

Indeed, Google takes UX signals into account in its ranking, thanks to the famous “ Core Web Vitals ”. It is a set of real-world, user-centric metrics that quantify key aspects of the user experience. They measure loading time, interactivity and stability of content when loading, among other things.

By measuring these signals, Google is therefore placing more emphasis on “delightful” experiences for Internet users – fast pages, on an easy-to-use site, and which are accessible on all devices and all platforms. Sites that offer good UX will be rewarded with better visibility in searches.

5. AMP and mobile accessibility

Your pages must be optimized for smartphones: don't forget that Google has deployed its " Mobile first " index!

Indeed, the number of pages viewed on mobile is through the roof and it's not over: 60% of web traffic is mobile. Not having a site perfectly optimized for smartphones cuts you off from this traffic…

However, adapting your desktop site for mobile is no longer enough. The user experience differs between a smartphone and a computer. It's time to think about AMP! This format, which has been discreet in recent years, still exists. Accelerated Mobile Page technology allows your pages to display optimally to users and improve your ranking in mobile results. It's high time to adopt it...

Create a mobile-first site that meets the latest UX trends by calling on jouplus.com's web developers . Describe your project to receive their free quotes.

6. Google Opposite and read local SEO

46% of Google searches have local intent.

Local SEO remains an essential SEO trend to attract visitors to your store or prospects to your business. The Mountain View firm continues to update its Google Oppossum algorithm for local search. In close connection with Google Maps, it offers establishments which are located as close as possible to the Internet user's geographical area.

If you are in a sector where your catchment area is limited, you can no longer ignore local SEO. Also remember to register on Google Maps to be listed!

7. Google Helpful Content Update

In August 2022, Google rolled out its Helpful Content Update algorithm. It became effective for France at the beginning of December 2022. It is an update which will impact the writing of your pages. In addition to utility and reliability, the search engine now wants to “satisfy” its users. To do this, it will reward content that offers a positive experience to Internet users.

But how do you measure visitor satisfaction? Google will rely on numerous criteria already used in its other algorithms to judge the overall user experience:

  1. Content created for humans, not search engines;
  2. A subject and solutions adapted to the target audience;
  3. Content relevant to the main topic or domain of the website,
  4. A text written by authors with established authority and expertise;
  5. Content processed in a deep, fair and reliable manner.

Once again, the quality of content has a vital role in SEO. Focus on useful articles with high added value, written by an expert on the subject, to rank up!

8. Artificial Intelligence and content writing

Despite the fight against automatically generated content, the use of Artificial Intelligence will explode even more in 2024. Even more so with the ChatGPT phenomenon, a conversational robot that can save time... but not replace the human editor .

Google will certainly strengthen its monitoring of the use of AI in content production. It will be difficult to fool it by simply copying and pasting content (often of poor quality) generated by AI.

If you want to take advantage of automated content writing tools, do it smartly to:

  1. Find a list of relevant keywords;
  2. Receive content summaries to refine your own text;
  3. Edit a content plan;
  4. List ideas for your next articles;
  5. Document your article by easily obtaining key figures, studies, statistics and reliable sources.

9. SMO to boost SEO

Natural referencing has always been synergistic with other methods such as SEA (paid referencing) or SXO (user experience). With social networks gaining ground every year, it is obvious that SMO (Social Media Optimization) and SEO are complementary!

Remember that in the ranking factors, particularly in the EEAT criteria, there is expertise and authority. Two qualities that can be boosted by social networks. If an author or company has a large engaged community on social platforms, this will encourage Google to rank their content better.

Likewise, by sharing your links on these channels, you increase traffic to your pages, while diversifying it. However, the diversity of acquisition sources and the volume of visits count in the ranking factors.

10. Make way for conversational keywords!

According to the Voicescore Barometer launched by ADN.ai, NRJ Global and La Poste, 69% of French people use voice control and 90% do so from a smartphone.

The use of voice assistants and connected speakers is increasing. However, voice searches tend to be longer and more specific than text queries.

You will therefore need to consider these types of searches in the future and integrate more conversational keywords into your content to please the Google Bert algorithm:

  1. Target long-tail keywords;
  2. Find the questions most often asked by your audience;
  3. Analyze the formulations and expressions used by your target;
  4. Detail your content with adjectives, adverbs and geolocalized terms;
  5. Specify the search intention: buy, request a quote, go to…

Our tip to improve your SEO

The SEO trend of 2024 must please Google's algorithms by giving them what they want: websites with quality content, which will satisfy users thanks to an optimized UX. An essential point if you want to win the SEO battle! Take care of your long tail, add value to the content and adapt your writing to adopt conversational language, in order to strengthen your SEO positions.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.