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dropshipping From Ali Express

Dropshipping from aliexpress is one of the most successful e-commerce sites, as a result of the multiplicity of products that the site offers, and it also collects a lot of suppliers and manufacturers from the global market, and given what was mentioned, we will display all the information on how to register in drop shipping from Aliexpress Through the Money Makers website.

What is aliexpress?

Aliexpress is an e-commerce marketplace where the majority of Chinese suppliers and manufacturers list their products from almost every category to the global market. You can find millions of products from 28 different major categories.

Since Aliexpress is located in China, you will find the product here at a much cheaper cost than any other platform.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is an online business model, where the retailer only displays the product on their platform and does not keep it. When a customer orders anything in the store, the retailer routes that order to the supplier with the customer's details, and then the supplier delivers the product to the customer.

The retailer doesn't need to keep inventory or worry about packing and shipping, they just focus on marketing and customer service.

What is AliExpress dropshipping?

When you choose an Aliexpress supplier to deliver your dropship item, it ships from Aliexpress. Your Aliexpress supplier will pack the stock and deliver it to the customer's destination.

Hope the concept is clear. Now, let's talk about the importance of AliExpress dropshipping and how to do it.

Why dropshipping on AliExpress?

Ali Express supports a promising dropshipping model. No other platform is more suitable to provide this distinction, as Ali Express does. Registration is free, and suppliers are very flexible for businesses.

Most people have this misconception that if they are Chinese suppliers, there will be a language barrier to placing orders for products.

Ali Express is manufactured to serve the international market; You can't even offer any product in China from Ali Express. All suppliers are fluent in English. You can easily communicate with suppliers - and from my personal experience - suppliers will encourage you to adopt the dropshipping model.

AliExpress dropshipping center

This type of site is located within the circle of sites dealing with e-commerce platforms, as many people have the desire to create their own project online, but they face the problem of where they can store the commodity for their trade.

But this problem was solved through the dropshipping system, which allows the ability to display the goods on some electronic stores and display them on your site, and the product is obtained at the wholesale price.

dropshipping  From Ali Express
dropshipping  From Ali Express

This system is called DropShipping, and it means low shipping value, and it means that the person doing that e-commerce does not pay a large amount of money to ship the goods of his store, and there are a lot of shipping offers offered by many online stores.

It is agreed with electronic stores that you will do drop shipping through them with a profit margin of your own. The word “drop shipping” is often combined with the name of the online store that allows this possibility.

Dropshipping is now available in many electronic stores, including AliExpress, which is one of the largest and most well-known electronic stores.

Ali express is one of the sites that has huge sales in many countries, and the site contains a lot of various goods from which you can choose the goods that you want to display in your store.

AliExpress dropshipping center login

This project is one of the inexpensive projects that anyone can do from home, all he may need is to register on the website of the online store that he will deal with, and we will now explain the method of registering on the website of Ali express to make shipping routes, and the steps she:

  1. Entering the website of the Ali express store, you can go directly to it by clicking here 
  2. Write your e-mail in the space provided for this.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. You will confirm the password again.
  5. You will find a form for some data to register on the Ali Express website, fill it out.
  6. A list of the terms and conditions of the site will appear in front of you, read it carefully and then mark the approval.
  7. Click on the word Create an account on Ali express.
  8. A message will be sent to your email to confirm your account has been created.
  9. You will enter the Ali express website through the link that was sent to the e-mail to confirm that the account is valid.
  10. The site will ask you to write your e-mail and password on the store.
  11. After completing these steps, you will be registered on the Ali Express website, and you are free to choose the type of goods that you will display in your own store.

How to browse the goods and choose the right one for your store

It is worth noting, when talking about dropshipping from Ali Express, how to register on his website, that we clarify some tips on how to choose goods and products from the store, and this is done through the following:

  • You can offer various products on your own store and not on the condition that you specialize in one type of goods, this will allow you to profit better unless you want to trade in a particular commodity.
  • You should have a background on market needs and easily sold goods, such as clothing, accessories, and other well-selling products.
  • Browse the store in an accurate and orderly manner, so that you know all the available goods and products, choose the goods whose price is commensurate with the customers you will deal with while maintaining that they are of good quality.
  • While roaming the store, you can put the products in the cart, even if you are hesitant about it. Take your tour in an organized manner as we mentioned and at the last time review the products that you have put in the cart if you do not want an item, delete it before completing the purchase.
  • Merchants on AliExpress should choose the basics that they ship quickly and that their merchandise is well-made.
  • Many online stores offer a lot of special offers for discounts, you can take advantage of these offers well

How to use coupons to get discounts

To complete the presentation of the information about dropshipping from Ali express, we must clarify that there is a way to get more customers to buy from your online store, this is by making a special discount for them from a store on the express online, and not a discount from you, We will explain this in detail below:

  • The AliExpress store is making a discount on some products for new users of the store.
  • You can encourage the customer to enter and register on the Express website, and he will get a discount when you drop shipping.
  • The store also provides the possibility of obtaining a discount of up to 3 dollars in the case of purchasing products with a large amount, and this is on some imported products; It will be a good opportunity for the customer to take advantage of those discounts.
  • You may inform your customer about your online store by using the vouchers provided by the Express website.

Things you need to start AliExpress dropshipping

1. Shopify platform

Before you turn to Ali Express and start talking with the supplier, you need an online store to showcase your product to customers. It can be an Amazon store, an eBay store, or a personal e-commerce store.

I highly recommend going to Shopify, as it provides all the tools to support and improve Aliexpress dropshipping functionality.

Shopify also integrates with Amazon. So if you want to do dropshipping on Amazon, you can simply integrate your Amazon store with your Shopify store. When someone buys from your Amazon store, they will be directed to your Shopify store.

You can import products from Ali Express to your dropshipping Shopify store in just one click with the help of Oberlo.

What is Oberlo?

Oberlo is the exclusive Shopify app that helps you find the perfect products and trusted suppliers, and it also automates your Ali Express dropshipping business.

You can download the free Chrome extension and start importing products right away into your store.

Oberlo automates the function of importing products into your store, so you don't have to add products manually. It also syncs your store with Aliexpress, so if there are any price or stock changes, you will be notified.

When a customer buys from your store, you just need to inform your supplier of the customer's information to deliver the product.

How does Oberlo work?

Simply download its Oberlo extension and then go to Aliexpress and browse for the products you want to add, click the extension and click import product.

How to import AliExpress products on Oberlo?

So you've got Oberlo and want to dive straight into importing your first product. That's totally fine and I'll show you exactly how you can do it.

First of all, you need the Oberlo Google Chrome extension for AliExpress. This extension will allow you to import AliExpress products directly into your Oberlo account from the AliExpress product page.

That's simple.

  1. Simply go to the Oberlo app dashboard
  2. go to the order tracking page
  3. click on the Tracking Icon in front of the selected order. 
  4. More about this source text

If the order is shipped by the supplier, Oberlo will automatically fetch a tracking code and show you a tracking code that you can share with your customers.

If your tracking code fails to sync, simply click on the “Re-track” option at the bottom, the tracking code will sync and you will get the latest status of your order.

2. ePacket Delivery

What is an ePacket?

ePacket delivery is the result of an agreement between the governments of China and Hong Kong with the US Postal Service to make delivery faster within 7-15 days at a shipping cost that is almost nothing.

The products (mostly) come from China, so ePacket shipping is the fastest and cheapest way to deliver goods all over the world, especially to the US market.

The image above shows that ePacket allows product tracking on EMS (Express Mail Service) and USPS (US Postal Service) via a 13-digit tracking number on the package.

3. Download WeChat

Well, not a significant requirement, but you will need WeChat to talk to your Chinese suppliers. Once you break the ice on the chat option on Aliexpress, the suppliers will ask you to come to WeChat to resume the conversation.

As you probably know, Facebook messenger and WhatsApp do not work in China.

So, it's not a big deal but be prepared to expect such demand.

4. Cash on Hand

Aliexpress is completely free to use; However, you have to pay the suppliers right away as soon as they launch the products. You will receive your payment from the customer, but PayPal or other payment options take some time to clear the payment. Therefore, you will need some cash on hand to pay the supplier on time.

This is it. These were all the main requirements to start Aliexpress dropshipping.

How to find the best selling product for dropship

Before anything else, you need to finalize the niche products that you want to sell in your dropshipping store.

Once you determine the niche, find out which trending items you will sell in the niche market.

For the best selling item, I have a simple remedy for this problem.

  • Go to Amazon Best Seller

Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce markets, if some product is the best seller in this market then there are good chances that it will be a worldwide trend.

Let's say; I sell T-shirts. Here I am looking for a unique and fashionable product to sell in my speciality.

I simply went to the Amazon Best Seller Categories -> Clothing & Shoes

Right now, in the winter, there's only heavy-duty all over the place, but I'm looking for a popular design.

So, I scrolled down the bestseller page in search of an attractive design, and here I found one.

This tie-dye shirt is in the best-selling category. However, I know heavy winter clothes are the best seller at this time. So, I can sell this design, very easy?

  • Google Trends

I have to be sure how many people are searching for this item. So, Google Trends is the best option I have out there.

This item is excellent as you can now notice, showing the best trends of the past five years.

In just two steps, I found the product that could become the best selling product in my store.

Well, that was just one hack to find the best selling product

Now, the only condition left is to find a suitable supplier on Aliexpress to drop ship this product. But, how to choose a supplier on Aliexpress?

How to choose the best supplier on Aliexpress

Once you know the product you want to import into your store, it's time to decide which supplier is worthy to become your partner.

It is not very difficult to verify the authenticity of the resource. On Aliexpress, check the supplier's performance in the past six months so you can quickly check the validity of the supplier by reviewing its performance summary.

Here's how you can check the Aliexpress supplier

  • Go to Aliexpress and search for your product

To find my product, I went to the men's clothing categories, and since the trend is winter clothing, it showed me at the top.

  • Visit the supplier's store

Before finishing any supplier, always visit their store to check how diverse they are in one product line.

  • Positive Feedback (90% or higher)

This step is the most important part of supplier validation. You can get the feedback summary report. To get the summary, go to the top of the store page and click Comments.

Feedback is good, 97%.” However, the contact rating is lower than other sellers, and that could change my view on this resource.

Communication is crucial to me. Therefore, I prefer to check with other suppliers and then make a decision after evaluation.

This is how you need to evaluate the Aliexpress supplier.

Import customer reviews from Aliexpress to Shopify

It is very easy to import comments from AliExpress into your Shopify store. All you need is one of the many Shopify reviews available on the App Store. In this example, we're using the Ali Reviews apps to easily import product reviews from AliExpress into our Shopify store.

Best Shopify Apps to Import Reviews

There are many applications available on Shopify that provide you with the function of importing comments from AliExpress and various other sources. We are listing some of the best apps for importing reviews.

  • Loox: One of the best Shopify review apps out there. It allows you to import reviews from multiple sources and provides a simple review form for customers.
  • ali reviews: Ali reviews do what the name says. It allows you to import comments from AliExpress into your Shopify store with just a few clicks.
  • Yotpo: Yotpo helps you collect more reviews by providing your customers with interactive emails where they can leave a review of their purchases directly.

Advantages of using dropshipping from Ali Express

Continuing to talk about dropshipping from Ali express, we must clarify the advantages of linking your online store to the Ali Express website, there are many advantages that we will explain below:

  1. The site provides the service of importing goods from Ali Express through my sales store.
  2. The store offers you a lot of assistance when creating your store, and informs you about all the details.
  3. It helps you to know the best other online stores that offer the products that you will display in your store.
  4. The help of the experts on Ali Express will make your store look professional.
  5. It provides you with the amounts that are paid in the shipping process, as the site allows you to communicate with customers, ship the product sold to them, and collect your profit without any problem.
  6. When you link your online store to Ali Express, you will not need to complete purchases, because you sell through the site, and this will save you a lot of capital.

Dropshipping is a business preferred by many e-commerce owners, and despite the problems that the system has faced due to the trade war between the United States and China, this did not affect the success of the dropshipping system.

Dropshipping from aliexpress - advantages and disadvantages

We will start with the pros and cons of aliexpress dropshipping so that you understand what the pros and cons of this model are before you start.

  • Advantages of Aliexpress Dropshipping

  1. Easy to start
  2. Low costs
  3. easy to measure
  4. Low risk
  5. Large range of products
  6. No stock or stock
  7. No shipping or delivery management

  • Negative dropshipping from aliexpress

  1. Supplier errors
  2. Shipping delays and complications
  3. stock issues
  4. Low-profit margin
  5. Now back to the main questions about aliexpress dropshipping.


That's all I have for today about aliexpress dropshipping. I've tried to cover all the basics about AliExpress dropshipping that you need to understand, even when it comes to WeChat?

However, when you start doing dropshipping with Aliexpress, you will find some unexpected new issues, and this happens to everyone. So, don't panic asking your queries in the comments below as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About AliExpress Dropshipping

Is AliExpress Standard Shipping better?

AliExpress Standard Shipping is often a free shipping method that delivers worldwide. Although ePacket is usually the best shipping option, when ePacket delivery is not available, AliExpress Standard Shipping is the next best option.

How to handle AliExpress returns?

If you would like to return an item on AliExpress for any reason, here is a simple way to open a dispute on AliExpress.

  1. From your AliExpress account, click “My Orders”
  2. Click Open Dispute in front of the matter you want to dispute.
  3. Add your refund request and submit the dispute.

Is there any alternative supplier from Aliexpress in the US?

There are some AliExpress alternatives available out there. Even if you are only interested in US dropshipping suppliers, there are plenty of them.

Check out dropshipping suppliers like Dropship Direct, Ah Goo Baby, Amzer, Cost Tag, Dropshipper, and Kole Imports.

Can a customer see the actual price of the item when tracking an AliExpress order?

Simply provide your customers with the tracking code, and they won't be able to see the actual price of the item.

Track details through third-party apps like 17Track, etc. It only shows the current status of the order and doesn't reveal any prices at all.

How do you find diamond suppliers on AliExpress?

Back in the day, the top suppliers on AliExpress had a diamond rating which means they were one of the top-rated suppliers.

However, AliExpress got rid of this rating system. Now, all suppliers have badges on their profiles showing the quality of the supplier. The supplier with the most badges on their profile is the best.

Does epacket ship worldwide?

Yes, ePacket ships worldwide as long as it is available. However, some suppliers use AliExpress Standard Shipping instead of ePacket which is also delivered worldwide.

What products on Aliexpress can I ship with 300-400% profit margins?

There are many products that you can sell at a high-profit margin; These include, but are not limited to, underwear, jewellery, and cell phone covers. It all depends on your target audience and the market you are selling in.

Is there any free AliExpress dropship plugin for WordPress?

Both Easy and Shopmaster WordPress plugins offer free plans, but these free plans are somewhat limited in terms of the features and functionality you can use.

Is it safe to use a debit/credit card on AliExpress?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to use your credit/debit cards on AliExpress. AliExpress is an international website owned by the reputable Alibaba group, so their online security is up to date.

How is payment made with AliExpress?

Currently, AliExpress supports the following payment methods on their platform: Boleto, Visa Debit / Credit, MasterCard, QIWI, Western Union, WebMoney, Maestro debit card and bank transfer.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.