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5 tips for managing the images of your site

Cloudimage states that images often constitute more than 80% of a website's load time. Therefore, it is important to take the loading speed of your site seriously, as it is a critical metric used by Google for SEO purposes. If your site is slow, it may lose visibility.

A prolonged loading time can also lead to user frustration, resulting in a loss of audience and a significant decrease in the conversion rate. Amazon reports that an additional 100 milliseconds of loading time causes a 1% loss in revenue.

On the other hand, reducing image weight is the first measure that should be taken to enhance site performance, increase visibility, and boost conversions on the web. Cloudimage and Sgtinm.xyz provide several strategies to optimize your images for the web.

website image management
website image management

1. Resize your images to reduce their weight

To lighten the weight of your images, one of the first things to do is to check their size and, if necessary, resize them. Do you really need a 6000px wide image for a banner that displays at a maximum of 1200px?

If you want to maintain the best image quality on retina screens, your image should be twice the size on a regular screen. For example, if a photo is displayed in 600px on your site, the image will need to be 1200px wide to appear in good quality on retina screens.

Cloudimage makes it easy to resize and crop your images online. Add a few characters to the url generated by the tool or use its customization interface to get a custom url to your image in the desired format.

Cloudimage offers plugins to easily integrate its features on your WordPress, Shopify, Prestashop or Magento site. JavaScript, React and Angular integration scripts are also available for web developers.

2. Compress images

After saving your images in the right format, you can further improve their loading speed by compressing them. For this, it is necessary to identify the optimal compression rate, to preserve the quality of the images while reducing their weight.

Cloudimage does it for you, thanks to its artificial intelligence compression algorithms. Your visuals are thus lightened, without loss of quality.

You can also change the format of your image file to a lighter WebP, Jpeg or Av1 format with Cloudimage.

3. Styling your images to stand out

The visuals used on the internet often come from image libraries, used by all web professionals. If you can't create original visuals, consider adding "your touch" to the photos and icons you use! Colors, artistic effects, logo, watermark… There are many possibilities to differentiate yourself and be recognizable at first glance.

However, transforming images is not for everyone. Styling visuals often requires owning (and mastering) image editing software or knowledge of CSS. This is why Cloudimage offers to modify your image online, by adding simple codes to its url. You can edit various elements:

  • cropping
  • rounded corners
  • brightness / contrast
  • color filters
  • vague
  • intelligent face blurring
  • watermark (text or logo)
  • etc.

These actions can be automated, in order to adopt the same formatting on each of your images. A considerable time saver when you frequently use identical formats.

Advantage: With the customization of images online, no more countless documents exchanged internally to find the source file! All members of your team can access the source image directly by its url.

4. Use a CDN for Fast Loading

Generally, all elements of a website (JavaScript libraries, CSS style sheets, images, etc.) are hosted on a single server. The more traffic on said site increases, the longer the elements take to load, which can result in a slowdown of the site on the user side.

CDNs, Content Delivery Networks , help avoid this slowdown. They bring together several servers, located around the world, and deliver the content of a site by broadcasting it from the server geographically closest to the visitor. This process considerably speeds up the speed at which content is displayed on the site.

Thanks to its secure multi-CDN architecture counting more than 1000 points of presence all over the world, Cloudimage allows you to display the images, PDFs and static files of your site quickly and without loss of speed, even during traffic peaks.

5. Protect your resources

The resources of a website can easily be exposed to malicious Internet users. This is why Cloudimage offers to create aliases or shorten the urls generated by its image modification tool, thus avoiding exposing the url of the image.

Its CDN architecture also has enhanced security to ensure the availability and security of your documents.

By adopting Cloudimage to implement these different measures, you guarantee the quality of your images for the web. Light, of good quality, personalized and quick to load, your images will be able to boost the performance of your site.

Thanks to an accelerated loading speed, your visitors will have a better user experience and will be more likely to buy through your site. Likewise, your SEO will be improved, thus increasing your visibility. Your site thus enters a virtuous circle of SEO.

FAQs website image management

FAQs website image management
FAQs website image management

1- Tips for Enhancing Your Online Image

If you want to appeal to potential employers and manage your online presence, here are some helpful tips:

  • Analyze your e-reputation and search engine results to evaluate your online image.
  • Pay close attention to the content you share online and ensure that it is professional and relevant.
  • Be mindful of your spelling and grammar, as errors can detract from your credibility.
  • Utilize social media to your advantage by highlighting your strengths and accomplishments.
  • Ensure that your resume and online profiles are consistent and up-to-date.
  • Avoid posting inappropriate content or criticizing your job or employer.

2- Managing a Website: Roles and Responsibilities

Running a website typically requires a team of web professionals with various specialties, including writers, translators, photographers, graphic designers, SEO experts, marketing directors, communication officers, and community managers.

3- The Importance of Optimizing Images for the Web

Optimizing your website's images has several benefits for the user experience. Unoptimized images can slow down page loading times and hinder the display process, impacting the overall quality of the website.

4- Understanding Website Optimization

Website optimization encompasses technical and marketing practices that are implemented to acquire traffic, engage visitors, and convert them into prospects or customers, all based on clearly defined objectives.

5- Tips for Improving Website Design

Here are six effective tips to enhance your website's design:

  • Carefully choose your color scheme, as it has a significant impact on your website's success.
  • Select appropriate fonts to create a cohesive look and ensure readability.
  • Use relevant and high-quality media while avoiding overloading your pages.
  • Maintain consistency in your design elements, including fonts, colors, and images.
  • Ensure that your website is easy to read and navigate.
  • Optimize your website for different devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.

6- Image Hosting Services for Websites

If you need to store or share images for your website, here are some popular image hosting services:

  • Imgur
  • Goopics
  • ImgBB
  • Image Host
  • Tof
  • Google Photos
  • Postimage
  • ImageShack.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.