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18 best business management tools

Business management today is different from what it was in the past, as companies tend to keep pace with the waves of digital transformation, it has become necessary to use the best business management tools in managing your project, because competitors use them, as the volume of investments in the software sector amounted to about $ 4.2 trillion in 2021, and relying on One of these applications will not only help you outperform your competitors, but will also give you the opportunity to make informed decisions in every step of running a business.

best business management tools
best business management tools

5 things you gain from using business management tools

  • Organize your information and sales

By using business management tools, you will organize the information of your project and its various inputs and outputs, because in this way you avoid keeping information on paper or being satisfied with the sales achieved in your store branch, but rather selling anywhere.

  • Use it anytime and from anywhere

In addition to being easy, you can use business management tools and applications from anywhere, at any time, on any device, and this gives you freedom of movement, follow-up and management without moving a step from your place or delegating someone to do the tasks for you.

  • Increase the efficiency of your commercial and administrative operations

Make sure that using business management tools and applications will increase the efficiency of your business, because it is based mainly on automating all operations through artificial intelligence, and therefore the error rate is almost negligible or non-existent.

  • Improve communication and increase opportunities

Through business management applications, the opportunities for cooperation between the members of your organization and communication between you and customers increase, which increases the opportunities because customer service helps in the development of projects because it improves the buying experience of each customer, and thus these applications act as a bridge to communicate with your employees and customers.

  • Reduce operating costs

Business management applications can help you reduce costs through smart automation of repetitive jobs, meaning that all operations will be automatic, done in an instant without the need for review because they are 100% correct, and various business management applications usually contain automation options that facilitate daily repetitive tasks.

Best business management tools in 2023

As an alternative to the global platform Shopify and Wix, the Wilt platform has emerged as the first english platform that enables Arab entrepreneurs to create a professional website or online store , responsive to various devices, without the need for any experience in programming and design, and most importantly, the presence of support to ensure the success of entrepreneurs in running the business successfully.

WILT prices start at $50 per year and the best of all is that you can try the platform for free for 14 days, before paying without any commitment or entering bank details

2. Evernote Teams
One of the important options in business management because it allows you to increase cooperation between members of your team, as everyone in your team can access notes and documents, and the application also allows you to create notes for your meetings, and certainly the application contains security options that guarantee access to only authorized users. And the price of this tool starts from $ 7 per month.

3. Dropbox
Dropbox is one of the options used by millions around the world, because it allows access to documents from anywhere, and it is a powerful and secure business tool that has different features in managing access so that only those responsible can access the documents that they want. User pricing plans on Dropbox start at $15 .

4. Microsoft Teams
is a tool for collaboration between different business management teams, which you can customize to fit your project, and the free option includes online meetings of up to 100 participants and lasts up to 60 minutes, in addition to the chat option, and you will need to purchase a paid plan if you need support art, or to space to store files. Microsoft Teams has a free plan, which you can use, but paid plans start at $4 per month.

Slack is a unique application in business management, especially if your team is large, because it is a global platform for communication between different teams in companies and is used in file sharing, written, audio and video chatting. The free version of Slack is rather generous, has no time limit, and gives you access to 10,000 messages, with the ability to link to other useful and powerful business tools. As for the price, you can start for free, while the paid plans start at $6.67 per month per user.

6. Like
Mint is an application that is widely used in managing business resources, and many entrepreneurs praise it and use it personally in managing their money, but despite that it is used in managing large businesses and even startups, and among the functions that this tool gives you, Manage records, accounts, investments and savings The reports also provide tips for you to manage your resources better. The tool has a free version that you can use, but premium plans start at $5 and up.

7. Chat GPT
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that simulates human intelligence, and this platform has recently emerged for its ability to accomplish various tasks in writing, marketing, calculations, and writing code, efficiently and quickly, and the upcoming versions will enable you to create a video by simply giving the command to that tool, so if you want to know this tool And how to use it We advise 

YNAB (literal translation of “you need a budget”) and from its name, the application helps you access your financial information from anywhere and from any device, and also gives you some keys to creating budgets effectively, with which you can keep effective records and save more time and money by rationalizing your spending and tracking your expenses .

Pricing for this tool starts at $14.99 per month.

9.Google Workspace
It is a tool from Google that helps companies manage business by providing various functions such as email addresses, management tools and video chatting in addition to various file storage options, and price plans start from $ 5 per user per month.

10- Asana
Asana will be a great ally for you in business management because it is designed to organize work within projects and follow-up on the achievement of each project without disruption. In this tool, you will find many display options for tasks, those responsible for them, and calendars, in addition to accessing the real-time execution of the task.

The platform has a free basic plan, as well as premium plans starting at $11 per month per user.

11- FreshBooks
FreshBooks is a digital accounting record in your hands, helping major companies to manage business and money effectively, where you can, in all plans offered by the platform, send an unlimited number of invoices and budgets and track expenses with comprehensive reports on financial management, but keep in mind that in Basic plan, you can grant usage permission to only 5 people.

12 Squareup
Squareup is a comprehensive business management solution for companies of any size, because it helps track orders, banking services and sales on communication sites and on your online store, as well as human resource management, and this application will benefit you more if you sell retail or have a restaurant or a freelance profession such as contracting .

13- Quickbooks
Quickbooks is an accounting program that allows you to control your business efficiently, by tracking revenues, sales, expenses and invoices from a dashboard that is easy to view and control its entries. It was developed especially for small companies to suit their specific needs.

In the basic plan of this tool, you are only allowed to add one user to the app.

14. Apptivo
Apptivo is a complete platform that gives you email marketing, CRM, order delivery management and many other functions, and its biggest focus is on small businesses, just starting out, and businesses that are on the way to growth.

This tool provides a variety of customization options, helping small business owners get the information they need, without any hassle.

The price of this tool starts from $8 per month.

15. Notice
Aviso is a cross-platform application, which is ideal for growing companies because it gives them a detailed and strategic view of their different operations and their audience, and you can connect it with many different tools used in project management, to know how to forecast, track and increase sales, and this platform has solutions that focus on improving engagement audience, sales funnel inspection , and reporting. In short, Aviso provides a comprehensive 360-degree view of companies.

16- Pause
Pause is an application that helps you manage the free time of the employees in your team, and it is useful in all respects, especially for your human resource management, and for entrepreneurs who work with a small number of employees, and the price of this tool is $ 1 per user for life.

17- Skynamo
Skynamo is a platform specialized in managing field sales, so it is ideal if you have a large team responsible for visiting customers in person or if you want to enhance the monitoring of your operations outside the office, and the platform contains a section dedicated to sales managers, in addition to a specialized application for representatives, to analyze everything Knowing the leaders in the success of sales, customer visits rates, sales made, and other relevant indicators.

18- Citrix
Citrix is ​​a complete platform to keep business running and growing, no matter where your employees are, because it offers secure remote work solutions where information about your company and your customers is protected and available only to authorized persons, in addition, the platform allows you to analyze security vulnerabilities more efficiently .

Start using the business management tools that we have provided you, to see your growth flow with time and your sales increase faster and to see that your team is able to serve customers better, and if you have a question or concern, remember that you can always leave it to us to answer it.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.