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Top 30 Best Blogger SEO Tips for Blogger

What if your Blogger blog can receive high traffic from search engines like popular WordPress blogs?

With the same visitor traffic and similar conversion rates and earning equal income from blogging like you like famous blogs?
But you in Blogger are distinguished, unlike WordPress bloggers, where you do not have to pay hundreds of dollars to get the hosting for your blog as well as the premium plugins to help your blog grow. Why ?!!

Since you are a Google Blogger user, you don't have to worry about your blog's visitor tolerance limits, poor security for your blog, etc. Where Google covers everything for you. You only need to worry about improving your site traffic and how to improve it by improving your blogger's SEO, and ultimately providing better service to your readers.

In this search engine optimization guide, you will learn how to optimize blogs for search engines, how to get more quality traffic, how to become a better blogger than 90% of others and start making money from your blog (if that's what you really want) all with blogger seo.

1- Why SEO for Blogger Blogs?

Blogger (also known as BlogSpot) is one of the most popular blogging platforms in the world. You can start your online business today with BlogSpot for free.

That's why you have to be smarter than millions of other bloggers. If you are not smart about choosing your blog topics, how can you move your post from among the millions of posts published every day to the 1 page in Google SEO?

Hence, you have to follow some rules and some ways to get attention from search engines. This method is known as search engine optimization for your blog. Or in short, SEO .

Learn blogger seo how to activate blogger SEO and improve your blog for search engines.

Unlike other blogging platforms, Google does not provide many SEO components, widgets, or SEO settings for BlogSpot sites. However, you can learn how to properly use SEO on Blogger so that your posts will rank better on search engines.

SEO Blogger
SEO Blogger

2- In this complete Blogger SEO guide, you will learn how to optimize for Blogger SEO from the beginning.

You should optimize your blog for search engines to get more traffic from search engines (organic traffic). Gone are the days when you wouldn't have to optimize a site to rank higher in the search engines.

Basically, SEO can be divided into two groups:

  1. On-page search engine optimization
  2. Off-page search engine optimization

1- What is blogger seo in the field of on-page search engine optimization?

Everything you do on your blog belongs to “on-page search engine optimization” or on-page SEO. Creating a content design structure for a blog, linking posts, rating, and many other aspects of a site can affect on-page SEO.

In fact, on-page optimization is the best way to improve traffic to your blog.


For some of the following reasons:-

  • If your content isn't useful, no matter how reasonable your off-page SEO efforts are, search engines won't rank it higher than resourceful pages.
  • On-page SEO practices help your content go viral on social media and increase referral traffic.
  • It is easier to focus internally than external elements that can barely control. In fact, we live in a rapidly moving world. Instead of focusing on off-page SEO, you can achieve massive success with on-page SEO.

2- What is off-page search engine optimization?

The other side of blogger SEO is off-page SEO. It is everything you do currency outside of your blog, however its impact on your blog, belongs to off-page SEO or offsite SEO. Inbound links (also known as backlinks, mentions to your site via social media, etc.) all belong to off-page SEO.

Off-page search engine optimization does a good job of boosting sites' keyword rankings. For example, backlinks are among the most important factors Google uses to rank web pages in Google.

Although off-page search engine optimization is an important player in blogger seo blogger seo , you can actually improve your site's keyword ranking by using technical on-page SEO techniques .

The great thing about off-page SEO is that you can control everything. In other words, as a webmaster, you can decide how much traffic you want and predict how many visits you will receive, the more you care about off-page SEO, the more organic traffic your site will receive.

In BlogSpot SEO Guide, you will learn some proven SEO tips and tricks to increase traffic. Not only that, at the end of this guide, you will learn how to capture that good traffic and convert it into your regular visitors.

In addition, I will be sharing several Blogger SEO tools so that you can automate and facilitate manual SEO tasks.

So, keep reading...

Blogger SEO Tips Guide : Improve Blogger SEO Using On Page SEO Techniques

#1 SEO Guide for Blogger Sites for Beginners, Mediums and Experts! - All in one.

Are you ready to improve the SEO of your BlogSpot blog and get more organic traffic?

1- Determine the content of your blog

I have seen many bloggers start with the idea of ​​creating a multi-disciplinary blog. A multidisciplinary blog is a site that covers many topics.

It's good to have a team of experts in those fields working together. But, if you don't know everything about what you offer then don't create such blogs, because the basic things about any particular discipline or topic, as you are not familiar with it, there may already be hundreds of experts competing for that field that you don't master.

1- Why should you start with one niche blog or narrow your blogging field?

There are a few reasons why you should blog about only one discipline at first…

Reason #1: You can easily become an expert in your field

When you start writing about a topic, your target people will start following you, subscribing to your site's newsletter and YouTube channel, and recommending you as an expert in your *field* to others. It is the right way to become an expert in your field.

For example, what is Neil Patel famous for ? Is he a football player? No, he is an expert in blogger seo and search engine optimization .

Why is Jun Chao so popular? Because he is an expert in internet marketing, and make money online.

The question is, what if these people start their online businesses with multi-theme sites? Can they become experts and celebrities as they are now?

Therefore, I always advise any blogger to build your site on a specialty that you master and make your site a specialist in this field in order to build your reputation on the specialty of your site.

Reason #2: Search engines can determine what your blog is about.

Do you want to get targeted website traffic to your blog, right? How do you get targeted traffic from search engines?

Do you write articles about everything that happens in the world, such as wars, technology news, sports news, etc., on one site? Or is it better to write some good articles in the field that you target and master?

Think about it and compare.

What is the best technique to drive targeted website traffic?

Obviously, writing in your niche is best in blogging, so this is how Backlinko , Moz , Neil Patel, and other trusted websites receive targeted traffic from search engines.

Search engines know what these sites are. Therefore, these websites are ranked to get new keywords updated from these sites and attract targeted visitors as they are specialized sites in a particular field and are not branched into more than one field.

For example, let's say you often write about gaming tips, gaming gear, top video game reviews, etc. If you keep adding more and more relevant articles, search engines will start ranking your site for more relevant keywords, and in particular your site posts will appear in featured snippets, Q&A, and zero search results in the first box before organic search results .

It all happens once you start posting about something specific to a niche topic constantly.

In fact, Google tracks this data from the first day you publish your site!

Before Google updated its new webmaster dashboard, Google was providing these details to users for keywords that should search your site in more than one format. However, they removed it!

You can always expand your blogging field after your blog started to grow, and make profit from it like profit from Google Adsense . But when you're just getting started, it's a good idea to only write about one area and specialty. For example: computer programs, search engine optimization for websites and their SEO configuration, losing weight if you only specialize in it...etc.

Or better yet, limit the domain to your blog even more so that your articles can be ranked for long-tail keywords and attract highly targeted traffic to your blog with those keywords.

Choose a domain or domain name

People get to know your blog by its domain name. It's your brand. If you are not using a custom domain for your blog and linking your Blogger blog to a custom paid domain , then you are way behind the thousands of bloggers who use custom domains.

If you are wondering why you should use a custom domain for your blog, here are some reasons why you should have a custom domain for your blog.

  1. A custom domain gives your blog a unique and professional look.
  2. People trust your blog. So they are more likely to click on your blog link on search results and also through social media posting.
  3. Some ad networks do not accept sub-domains such as .blogspot.com for their ad network. Therefore, it does not deserve to be accepted by blog ad networks like BuySellAds in your blogspot.com blog. It is clearly stated on their support page that they do not accept requests with subdomains.
  4. You can rank highly competitive keywords in Google SERP. Have you ever seen blogspot.com ranked #1 for a highly competitive keyword?
  5. Motivate you to blog like a pro. It's your blog. So you will find that you are more likely to optimize your BlogSpot blog for your custom domain than any other blog.
  6. Not only will people trust your blog by having a custom domain, but search engines like Google will start trusting your site. The same applies to the demand for your blog as a brand. The best proof of this is the Google site links.

How do you choose the perfect domain name for your Blogspot blog that fits your niche in blogging?

You can choose a good domain for your blog. It is preferable not to start your blog except with a paid domain if you want it to grow and continue, through companies selling domains such as Godaddy or Namecheap and other companies, it has become easy and cheap through discount coupon offers or in Black Friday or Black Friday offers.

Therefore, I recommend you to start your blog with a paid domain. Because choosing a paid domain for blogs that you intend to continue is important to preserve the name and code of the site or its trademark if it is a commercial site.

Here are some tips for choosing the perfect niche for your brand blog.

  • Use an easy way to spell and remember the domain name if you can find a TLD with a .com domain extension, ideally.
  • Do not use any letter twice together. For example: socialmediaacademy.com.
  • If you want a custom domain for your small business blog, try adding keywords to your domain. They can help rank for competitive keywords in the future. UpContests.com (about giveaways) Marketingland.com (about marketing news), convertxl.com (about conversion rate optimization), backlinko.com (about link building for SEO).
  • To make your brand an identity that most people will recognize, use a unique name. Example: noon.com.

Keyword-rich domain vs. no-keyword domain

You may be wondering what is the best SEO option for Blogger blogs . Although it is ultimately the content that decides where your blog will rank, a short, memorable domain name can always make your site stand out from the crowd in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, a keyword- rich domain can give you a small advantage when it comes to competing in SERPs.

What makes a good domain name for Blogger

The domain name can be a key factor for the future of your blog. Any effort you put into the site can be wasted by the wrong person, while the wrong person is making the site shining without their knowledge.

Since a domain name is important in SEO at least in CTR (click through rates) in SERPs, here are several tips for choosing a good domain name.

  1. Use your brand name.
  2. Consider keywords that are relevant and related to the brand.
  3. Consider your location.
  4. Avoid exact match ranges.
  5. Stick to the original TLDs. Use country-wide TLDs if this is the marketing you're targeting.
  6. Avoid ambiguity.
  7. Choose a domain name that is easy to remember.
  8. Keep it brief and concise.
  9. Avoid using links.

Content Marketing

Without content, we can't talk about SEO . In fact, content marketing is the new search engine optimization . Why ?

Because, basically, the meaning of blogging is content creation. And SEO for a blog means improving content for search engines . Content publishing and marketing is a very important part of your BlogSpot SEO strategy , so you can definitely take advantage of content marketing and publishing strategies to get your blog content to appear in search results on the first pages of topics similar to your site’s content.

  • Find out what your target audience needs...

People have different purposes. And they have needs that are vastly different from one another. Every site visitor has dreams, issues, and interests. As a blogger, it is your duty to serve them. If you understand the content that the visitor needs in the aspect in which you are blogging, and you are familiar with it, then you are at least 75% superior to all other bloggers who write copy and copy without knowledge.

In order to be able to find what your target visitors need, there are several ways, including but not limited to:-.

  • Keyword Research: It is probably the most popular and most used method for finding what your target audience is looking for. My favorite keyword research tool is Google search to find keywords from the same content that bring in visitors.
  • Forums: People use online forums and communities. Why ? Because they want answers! Forums are a great place to find what your target audience is struggling with. Google your topic + “Forum” to find out relevant forums to share and find the needs of the target user. Read my next article: 215 Dofollow Backlinks A list of backlink sites .
  • Yahoo Answers: Like forums, Yahoo Answers is a great place to find ideas for blog posts that drive targeted traffic to your blog.
  • Quora: Another great place that surrounds problem-related people and experts who help people solve their personal and impersonal problems.
  • Reddit: Another great way to find content ideas is by checking out posts related to your blog on Reddit.com.
  • Blog Comments: The blog comments section can give you hundreds of thousands of ideas about what your target audience wants. Not only on your blog, but you can also take advantage of this strategy on other blogs to find target post ideas and keywords. Proven to work well. Believe me.
  • Facebook Groups: Also, through it, you can find out what the audience wants through groups that have the same content on your site through their questions.
  • Pinterst: Like the search engine Google, it contains many topics and ideas similar to the content of your blog.

And change a lot of ways, not to mention finding great SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush...etc

  • Write Blog Post Ideas...

The next step in writing content for people is to write the blog post titles that grab attention in the first place. You should pay special attention to the blog post title, as 8 out of 10 people will read your blog post after reading the title. Additionally, I suggest you to read my article How to Write SEO Friendly Content for Blogger Blogger | Write an article , as it contains many specific ways to determine what your target visitor is looking for and provide the best content for them.

  • Plan your blog post.

The next step is to break the blog post idea into sections and subsections. Take a pen and paper and write down what you are going to mention in your letter. Use target keywords in H1 title and sub-headings, which will drive more traffic from search engines.

It doesn't matter how you set up your subtitles and blog content. Just write what you want to share in the blog post. Make sure to keep your target keywords in mind while planning your blog post.

  • Start Writing Your Blog Post

This is probably the easiest step in getting started with writing an article for your blog. Writing a good article is not easy in terms of choosing keywords, expressive images, and sources of information. You must employ the keywords in their correct field, and you must mention the inspiring sources of your information, i.e. the supporting ones in your article.

Here are some tips for writing a good blog post.

  1. People decide to read your blog post by reading the first few words or the first few sentences. So make sure you grab their attention in the first place.
  2. Make sure you have a target keyword (primary keyword) and other keywords (secondary keywords) on hand. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find keywords with low competition and high search volume .
  3. Within the first few sentences, include your target keyword . Don't forget to add long-tail keywords (secondary keywords) at least once within the article.
  4. You are done to the keyword density within your article . Don't overuse any one keyword. Google will penalize your blog for keyword stuffing. If you want to add any keyword in your blog post without penalizing keyword stuffing, use synonyms .
  5. Use variable keywords (also known as keyword derived words). For example, for the keyword “ SEO ”, some of the various keywords are the meaning of SEO , what are SEO services , SEO website , SEO software , and how SEO works .
  6. Use text formatting to highlight keywords and target words. With bold, italics, and underline text formats, you will increase the highlight of the word and get people to read your content deeply.
  7. At the end of the article below, put the target keyword back in. Make sure it doesn't look like a spam, but what the post was about as a conclusion.
  8. Include the ALT tag of the image for your target keywords. Use images more to get more traffic by searching for images, and therefore you can alert search engines to this in order to control that word, or even at least appear with the top five in search results for those keywords.
  9. Use interactive content throughout the post if possible. Interactive content increases user activity. Thus, it increases positive SEO signals like time on page, average time per session, bounce rate , etc. Some of the interactive content is surveys and quizzes. People love her.
  10. Take your time writing the article. Don't worry about the word count. Problem solving is the basis for essay writing.

  • Edit Your Blog Post Copy

After writing your essay, the next step is to review the essay, as there could be more grammatical errors. I recommend you edit your blog post on another day. So that you can see your mistakes clearly and generate more ideas to include in the content of the article.

  • Proofread Your Blog Post

Please do this step at another time. So you review your article and make sure it is in the search results and add or modify images in the article, as well as new information, add it to the article, in order to suggest to search engines how interested you are in the information provided by your article.

Also, when you review written content, be sure to check whether your article has been copied or not in order to report it and save your rights.

  • Include videos in your article

If your blog is not engaging, no one will read your blog post. The next step to do is to add visual content to your blog post.

You can include one or more videos in your blog post. This will not only increase engagement but also increase the average time per visitor.

By following the above steps, you can write a good blog post that people will want to read.

Here are some tips to improve the usability of your blog post.

  1. Do not write many words in one paragraph. Where using two or three sentences in a paragraph can attract more people to read your post, but long sentences make the reader more boring, but I advise you to have few and organized paragraphs.
  2. Make sure your article is neat and organized with white spaces in between. If there are no more white spaces, people will not prefer reading your post.
  3. Don't overuse images in your article. Overused images can make readers not browse the content of the article, and their size makes browsing slow.
  4. Use bullets and numbered lists to make your post easier to read.

A good blog post can improve SEO for your Blogger blog. A good blog post will not only grab people's attention but also search engines.

  • Here are some sites and tools that will help you create great visual content.
  • Crello - A great site to create amazing graphics for your blog including GIFs.
  • canva - the most wonderful integrated site that eliminates everything, including designing graphics, ready-made templates, writing on images and short videos ... etc.
  • Offeo - Create engaging animated videos
  • ArtBoard Studio -Design Mockups is an online 3D photo maker site
  • Rocketium - Turn a blog post into a video
  • RelayThat - A site that specializes in creating quick graphics, featured images for blogs, etc.

Proofreading of the article

Nobody wants to read an article with too many grammatical errors. The more readable your article is, the better. Also, try to put the commas between the sentences and not be too long so that it is easier to understand your content and read it through neat steps.

Here are some tips to improve the readability of your content.

  1. Use short paragraphs
  2. Use simple words, not complex words.
  3. Write to the reader, you, your article, your blog...etc.
  4. Write for visitors, not search engines.
  5. Address the main topic immediately. (People hate waiting!)
  6. Visual content (video by article) performs better than 1000 words.
  7. Make your content easy to read.
  8. Segment your publication using the table of contents .
  9. Use periods for commas between sentences.
  10. Do not mislead the reader.

Thus, your article will attract more visitors and increase the search engine ranking signals for your site, such as the duration of the visitor's stay on the page and the participation of your article by visitors on their pages ... etc. All this contributes to improving the search engines of your blog.

main blog line

The font size used in your articles or blog in general is another important factor in the field of search engine optimization on the page. You must take into account the font size in order to be suitable for all ages to see your article clearly.

Use fonts at an appropriate size of at least 12 pixels across your blog so that every visitor, whether they are viewing your Blogger blog from a mobile device or tablet, can clearly see your content.

Title tag content is usually used by search engines, so I highly recommend using the table of contents in your blog posts to make it easier to read and to enable search engines to quickly archive your neat and organized article.

Social media optimization

These days social media has become a major player in blogging and marketing. Many bloggers use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and linkedin seo optimization, to increase their blog traffic and indirectly increase SEO performance.

There is a lot of discussion about the relationship between search engine ranking and social media signals. Some people do not agree that search engines use social signals to rank web pages on Google. However, many webmasters and SEO experts have noticed that web pages that get a lot of social interaction rank higher in the SERP.

Controversial blog posts and sentiment-based articles usually get more engagement. Social mentions and social shares are two primary metrics to look for when optimizing your blog for social media.

Apart from your blogger seo blogger , a large number of social shares can help your site to get a lot of traffic. Especially if one of your posts goes viral, your site will receive more traffic and higher Google traffic because people tend to search for your topic in Google and other search engines.

Keyword search

If you want to increase traffic to your blog, you want to write about what people are searching for, right?

Keyword research is not limited to choosing keywords for blog posts. But also to link between your site's content in topics by placing an internal link on your site that points to a topic or article within your blog that talks about this.

You can use target keywords to boost your keyword ranking to link pages to articles on your blog as I mentioned earlier.

There are plenty of SEO tools online to perform keyword research. Of which:-

Semrush : One of the best competitor analysis tools for your site. Currently, Semrush has more than fifty different tools, Keyword Magic is one such tool that helps you to generate new keyword ideas.

BrandOverflow – Another SEO tool that has tons of features for bloggers and has a great free plan.

Google Keyword Planner – One ofmy favorite SEO content writing tools. It works to discover the appropriate keywords for your site's domain in order to improve its ranking. There are a lot of great tools, but I mentioned to you here only some of them and in no order.

When you use the above keyword research tools and others that we haven't mentioned, you can transfer SEO or blogger seo to blogger.To take your blog to the next level.

The more keywords there are in your blog profile, the higher the chances of receiving more traffic. So, before writing any tangled article or posts, don't forget to engage in keyword research.

Add your blog to search engines

When doing BlogSpot SEO optimization, first of all, you need to submit your website to the search engines. This way, you can build trust and get SEO recommendations for your blog.

  • Add Blog to Google Search Console
  • Add Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools

After submitting your website to these Webmaster Tools, your blog will start appearing in search results.

Choose a Blogger Template

If you want to blog like a pro, you want to stand out from other mediocre bloggers first. right?

If you use the same tools, same tactics, same information, same 

design, it is difficult to distinguish your BlogSpot blog from visitors from similar blogs with template and content.

Choose a Blogger Template
Choose a Blogger Template

Website design is one of the elements that grow or inhibit your blog's growth. If your blog design is not attractive, chances are no one will come to your blog again.

If your Blogger blog template contains a lot of JavaScript, this will definitely increase the page load time, and if your blog template is not responsive, then search engines will rank your blog at the bottom of search results or SERPs.

Google explicitly states that page speed and mobile compatibility as search engine ranking factors, to rank websites with Google SERPs.

So, if you have a fast blogger template , search engines will maintain your blog's ranking wherever you are with search results and will go up as long as there is fresh and good content on the blog.

page speed

Page speed is another on-page SEO factor that affects your website's ranking and credibility. If your website takes more time to load, more people will bounce off your site and may never visit it again.

Google and other search engines recommend making your website load as fast as possible. Loading your website on mobile devices should not take more than 3 seconds . Otherwise, most of them will come out of your web pages.

Here are some useful tools to check your website speed:

  1. Page Speed ​​– Google Developers
  2. Site Speed ​​Test – Pingdom
  3. Site Speed ​​and Performance Optimization – GTmetrix
  4. WebPagetest

Using the above online tools, you can check the loading speed of your blog pages and remedies to speed up your blog’s loading time. Here are some remedies for common page speed defects.

  • Compress images before uploading them to Blogger: You must use small-sized images in your blog so that it is easy to download and therefore does not affect the speed of your blog. Therefore, I always advise you to reduce the size of the images used in your articles through great free tools that I have covered in more than one article. You can review my following articles to solve this problem:

  1. How to reduce the size of images in posts to speed up your site
  2. Compress Images with Google Squoosh Free Google Tool

  •     Remove unnecessary tools from your blog: You have to remove any unnecessary code from your blog template such as statistics code, tracking code from other sites, or even worthless advertising code. Because the presence of these unnecessary codes will increase the size of your blog pages and prolong the page load time. My advice to you is not to do that.

  • Lazy loading or Image Lazy Load Script : Some blogger templates have a slow loading feature for images. Enabling this feature will greatly increase your blog's loading speed. If this feature is not present in your blog template, then I advise you to add this wonderful code to your blog to increase the speed of the blog and you will see the difference before and after using the code after testing the speed of your blog.

It's no surprise that page speed is one of the Google ranking factors. It would be better for you to make your blog fast. You can get an idea of ​​which pages are taking longer to load from your Google Analytics account.

Web Vital Indicators or Core Web Vitals

Google Core Web Vitals is used as a search engine ranking factor. It is basically a set of user experience rating factors.

Since Google first started using mobile indexing, no one wondered that Google would use user experience as a ranking factor. Here are some tips to make sure your site is compatible with Google Core Web Vitals.

  1. Using a bug-free Blogger template – Using a bug-free Blogger template will greatly contribute to the speed of your site, a great user experience, and the liking of visitors to view more pages in it, and do not use Java codes through external links, which will burden your site’s browsing.
  2. Use the slow loading method – Lazy loading allows us to load images as well as videos when accessed by eye while browsing after the user has scrolled down the page. Therefore, not all visible content will be loaded initially. Thus, it increases page loading speed.
  3. Use images in the correct dimensions - what is the benefit of using images in larger dimensions than required? Make sure to resize images to significantly reduce their file sizes and improve Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in Core Web Vitals.
  4. Use images or JPEG 2000 format JPEG XR or WebP - is an extension WebP new type of image formats work is done recently, as characterized by reducing the size of the images of the lower range.

Improved article title

If you ask me to list one of the top ten blogger seo tips , title optimization is undoubtedly one of them.

People always read the headlines and decide whether to read the content or not.

It's no different from your blog either. If you want to improve blogger SEO and increase SEO about your blog, Post Title is the first place you should start. As 8 out of 10 people will read your blog content right after reading the post title.

Tips for a perfect title optimized for search engines

  • Use numbers: Using numbers will get people's attention and increase your click-through rate (CTR)
  • Use the main keyword prominently in the title: Search engines give an advantage to blog posts in which the titles are prominently optimized for the main keyword.
  • The use of brackets: will use parentheses to make your title attractive and this leads to an increase CTR. Example: SEO Tips for Blogger.
  • Use different synonyms for titles It's not always easy to find the perfect title for any blog post. Always search to find another successful title.
  • Don't be afraid to use signs like the question mark.
  • Do not mislead your reader.

One of the best Blogger SEO tips that I can give any blogger is to improve the article title in the blog. My advice to you is to take care of your article title well before publishing it.

Improved article URL

The blog post URL plays an important role in increasing the search engine ranking of your post pages and increasing your click-through rate (CTR).

Although the URL or web address does not get much attention from visitors, it still gets the attention of search engines, Post Permalink in Blogger is another excellent place to optimize your blog posts for search engines, especially for engines like Bing, Yahoo and Baidu.

Tips for creating the perfect permalink:

Customizing the permalink is one of the settings for blogger seo in the field of SEO for your blog. Here are some tips to make your article URLs perfect.

  1. Use keywords in the permalink for your blog post. Add a keyword/keyphrase at the beginning of the permalink after.
  2. Create a descriptive permalink to the post instead of just adding keywords.
  3. Try adding a short permalink.

One of the most important elements of your blog post that can boost your SERP rankings for some keywords is the permalink to a blog post. When crafting your permalink, be sure to follow the easy tips above to create a useful blog post URL

Photo Enhancement

Although search engines are getting smarter, they haven't gotten smart yet. How search engines find information about images, videos, infographics………etc

Search engine bots like Googlebot and Bingbot use metadata, schema.org structured data, and related HTML attributes to get more information about any visual content.

For images, there is one attribute for search engines:-

  1. ALT : alt text (for search engines)
  2. Title : Title tag (for people)

Pro tips for choosing the perfect keywords to convert images:

  • I have found that including keywords related to the topic in the ALT attribute of the image, it gives excellent results. For example: If your post is about the word “ learn seo blogger” , do not add keywords such as create a wordpress site, upload wordpress files to the hosting, etc., to the ALT attribute of the image, because that will harm the seo of the images and the keyword will be out of context .
  • By adding keywords with high traffic from search engines, you can get more impressions and ultimately get more clicks.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) depends on the attractiveness of the image and its position in Google Image Search.
  • Always clarify and explain more about the pictures of your articles. This way, your images will rank across more long-tail keywords and their synonyms.
  • Bonus tip: When naming the image URL, add keywords related to the image name. It will help search engines find exactly what your image is about. Example: Learn-Seo-Blogger.jpg

The search engine optimization on images important in directing targeted traffic to a website from image search engines. By following the simple SEO trick mentioned above, you can double your image search impressions.

Apply meta tag

We are now delving into blogger seo blogger . In Blogger, so learning SEO blogger will depend on the description of the meta with the template and on the description of the article.

Blogger Comments

If you use it right, BlogSpot Comments System is a natural keyword generation machine as a result of massive organic traffic within your blog. Interactions through responses from visitors give your blog confidence in search engines that it provides interactive content and thus will reduce the percentage of the Page Authority and the domain authority of the page and the domain of your blog.

  1. Here are some tips for keeping your blog clean with the comments section.
  2. Fight Spam: The bigger your website gets, the more people will post spam comments on your blog.
  3. Backlinks to Nofollow BlogSpot Comments: Do not let visitors dofollow links so that the authority of the page is not withdrawn and the backlink visitor gain from your site is natural.
  4. Allow anyone to comment on your blog: This will increase the number of comments and make your blog a more open place for people.
  5. The approval on the subject only comments related to : will the comments off topic to reduce keyword density and reduce the classification centers of your search engines.

Internal links

Internal linking is one of the key factors in on-page SEO that can boost any high-quality web page ranking. Many SEO experts and professional bloggers use internal linking wisely to pass the authority to other new web pages from old pages with similar content.

Before learning how to properly link web pages in this Blogger SEO guide, here are some tips to keep in mind .

  1. Link to related article pages that are worth linking to.
  2. Use keyword phrases in your link text. (Basic SEO strategy to convince search engine bots what your page is about)
  3. You can also add links to images. So the ALT text will become the body text.
  4. Use more than 3 words in the link text. People are more likely to click on links with more than 4 words.
  5. Don't add too many links with too little content. Mobile visitors will click on links they didn't think of, hurting your site on search engines.
  6. Blue underlined anchor text is most popular because it's the web standard, although it's possible to change the color and underlining through HTML code.
  7. Do not enable the Nofollow tag for internal links. It's doubtful that you don't want to pass the authority to the inner pages.
  8. Internal links with high authority are passed to other modern pages to raise their rating. So, choose linking wisely.
  9. If you add two links to the same article page with another article, search engines will only follow the first internal link and index it.

Title tags are very important in blogger seo blogger field

Google uses some elements such as address tags to get some valuable information for its index. So you have to understand how you should use title tags in SEO.

What are title tags?

In web design, title tags refer to the sections and subsections of a web document. So screen users can scan your web page easily.

There are 6 address tags

The H1 title tag is the most valuable title tag. You can use the sign

For the title of blog articles. for example:

Current Post Title: Top 30 Best Blogger SEO Tips for Blogger Bloggers

On search engine results pages, the title tag will act as the title of the post.

Example: Article title - blog name

Do not use the H1 title tag more than once. Because there cannot be two titles in one single article.

The second most valuable title tag for SEO is the H2 title tag

. Use this tag to distinguish between paragraphs of your article as you can see with the current article via the table of contents. Search engines use the H2 tag to index valuable information and subtitles.

You can use the H2 tag more than once within the article in your blog without restrictions, unlike the H1 title tag, which must be used once as we mentioned before.

The third most important component of title tags is the H3 tag. This tag is used to indicate the subsections of your article. You can use any amount of H3 tags under each H2 element. Other title elements are used to indicate subsection sections.

SEO for Blogger Breadcrumbs

  1. Use the sections in each post. Google Breadcrumbs will prioritize the main section and then the article label.
  2. Make sure your topic is organized in the right way so that search engine bots can learn about it.

SEO for Blogger Breadcrumbs
SEO for Blogger Breadcrumbs

Custom Bot Header Tags in Blogger

Blogger developers have provided custom bots header tags to control the search appearance of Blogger web pages such as home page, post pages, static pages, search pages and archive pages.

You can use custom bot header tags in Blogger to protect certain web pages that appear in search results pages. For example, you don't want to show in search results pages on Google SERP article pages as well as pages without sections. The easiest way is to enable custom search header tags for bots and index only the pages that are needed.

Custom Robots.txt file from Blogger

Blogger's custom Robots.txt file is another vital SEO tool included with Blogger. Remember that everything you do in this section should be used with caution. One simple mistake can prevent your blog pages from appearing in search results.

What is a robots.txt file?

Robots.txt is a text file hosted on Blogger servers (where your blog is hosted) that indicates which search engine bots to follow and crawl. We used Blogger Custom Header tags to protect private blog posts from search engines. But we can use Blogger Robots.txt file to protect individual web pages and do some advanced SEO tasks.

When a web spider starts following the links on your blog, it first reads the Robots.txt file. Then follow their rules and crawl your web pages.

SSL Certificate

Google has made it clear that it prioritizes SSL-encrypted websites that start with https:// rather than http:// when measuring Google SERP (search engine results page) rankings.

This basically means that blogs that are not SSL-encrypted will not rank higher in Google SERPs.

The cool thing is that you can enable SSL for your Blogger blog for free! Also, if you are using a custom domain such as linking a blogger blog to a paid domain ( highly recommended ), it will take some time to activate the encrypted connection of your blog for free.

Update your blog posts

Now you are here to learn a lot of ways and tips in the field of blogger seo blogger seo, and improve the search engines in Blogger to make your blog distinct from millions of other blogs.

But, did you know that there is a very important SEO strategy for your blog and it can double your blog traffic!

In fact, it is a very important method in the field of increasing organic visitor traffic and keyword rankings in Google search results.

This SEO strategy is just to update your existing blog posts!

Why should you update your blog posts?

There are several reasons why you should update your content as an online blogger and writer. Here are several reasons.

  1. People expect updated content: always development in any successive field, for example, Blogger has developed its control panel more than once during the previous years. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the topics or articles that talk about creating a Blogger blog within your blog if there is an article that talks about this. This is why Blogger SEO Techniques Guide is regularly updated.
  2. Refreshing old posts gives them a new life and a new face: Sometimes, they can get more social shares and more traffic after updating old posts.
  3. Outrank Other Articles Over SERPs: It's a Proven SEO Tactic By updating old posts, search engines give them a boost.
  4. Pass the authority to and from other pages: An important aspect of updating your blog posts is that you can add new links, remove unnecessary links, etc.

Off-Page SEO for Blogger or Off-Page SEO


Search engine optimization can be tricky. Sometimes you may not reap the results you should. One of the biggest reasons for this is that Google's algorithm has not yet recognized your blog's content as worthy of being ranked higher in the SERPs.

The solution to this is to optimize your site for search engines using off-page SEO tips. In this section of blogger seo tips and about SEO, I will discuss how to optimize your BlogSpot blog for off-page SEO.

Building external backlinks

Link building or backlink generation is one of the oldest and most influential SEO signals that can improve organic keyword rankings in SERP results.

Here are many things to know about building backlinks to your blog

  1. Google prefers natural backlinks.
  2. To gain a backlink from a site similar to the content of your blog, the specialization is very important.
  3. Dofollow backlinks are better than nofollow links for SEO. Always try to make your link or backlink earned to be Dofollow as much as possible.
  4. Backlinks improve the authority in general for your site or blog. Hence, a page with high authority can rank higher in SERPs depending on its strength against competitors.
  5. A backlink from a trusted site can be more influential than a backlink from a site with low trust from search engines.

Do not forget to share this article with your colleagues and anything you see that was not covered by the article regarding blogger seo, blogger seo or tips in the field of search engine optimization, please leave it to me in the comments and I will respond to it or add it to the article.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.