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The 4 important HTML tags for SEO

SEO is a discipline (even an art), in perpetual evolution. This is why he asks to keep himself regularly informed to stay up to date with good practices. If some things change, others persist.

This is the case with HTML tags . These elements, which you may know better as the title or intertitle, can indeed allow you to optimize your content and improve your positioning in the search results of Google and other search engines.

What are the tags to scrutinize carefully and how to proceed? Explanations.

The 4 important HTML tags for SEO
The 4 important HTML tags for SEO

HTML tags: what are you talking about?

The purpose of HTML tags (or tags) is to structure a text . This both improves the reading experience, bringing clarity to the text and indicating clear information to search engines. In particular thanks to the presence of keywords in the “subtitles”.

In addition to the Hn tags, which are 6 in number, there are other HTML tags such as the Title tag, or the meta description. We will see in this article how to use them in an optimal way.

1. The Title tag: key element of your SEO

The Title tag or title tag in French is obviously at the heart of your content. This is the title given to your web page.

The content of the Title tag is the element used by search engines when they display results. It must therefore meet certain criteria:

  • Contain the main keyword
  • Do not exceed 65 characters (10 to 12 words)
  • be attractive

Indeed, Google uses the click-through rate to measure the attractiveness of your page. The more you want, the more clicks you will have and the better your ranking in the SERP will be.

2. Heading tags: to structure the body of the text

These are the Hn tags ranging from 1 to 6. Those that you can find in WordPress for example, under the name “paragraph” in the old editor and “Title” under Gutenberg .

Their objective is to bring clarity to the text by structuring and prioritizing it. But they also make it possible to provide semantic richness by varying the lexical field of the keyword. Which is excellent for natural referencing.

These tags, unlike the Title tag, are visible in the text content. These are simply the titles that you may observe when reading an article. Conversely, they do not appear in search engine results. However, the tags are analyzed by the robots responsible for indexing your pages. This means that with the right optimization, they can reinforce the information retrieved during a crawl and thus improve your ranking in the search results.

Good practices :

  • Use only one H1 tag per text
  • Follow the hierarchical order of tags (H2 for chapters, H3 for a subpart of a chapter, etc.)
  • Opt for clear, short titles, containing if possible a keyword or a semantic variant

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3. The meta description 

This HTML tag is essentially intended to make users click. Indeed, doubt remains about its direct impact in terms of SEO. It is not fully proven that crawlers parse meta description content for indexing.

However, the content of this tag is the summary that is displayed in search results. About a hundred characters long (120 maximum), it allows you to quickly pitch the content and encourage visitors to visit the site. For this, it is recommended to use action verbs such as "discover", "download", "create", etc.).

4. The Robot beacon: to keep control

By default, the robots that analyze your site regularly to index your pages take into account all the content of your site. However, you may want to exclude certain elements. Whether it's older content that you want to keep on the site or items that are only available with private access etc. This is where the robot beacon comes in.

The robot tag is managed in the robots.txt file located at the root of your site. You can either modify it using the Yoast SEO plugin, if you work on WordPress or by integrating it manually via your FTP server, at the root of your site.

To be sure not to make any fatal mistakes for your natural referencing, you can call on a freelance SEO expert to guide you in setting up your HTML tags.

Do you want to review the HTML structure of your site? Estimate the cost of your web integration with our free price simulator .

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.