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Fiverr site to work from home

Fiverr site for working from home The Fiverr platform is considered one of the best self-employment sites in the Arab world that are guaranteed and reliable, and there are many women and businessmen who earn thousands of dollars per month from performing some easy and simple tasks, and to help you enter this wonderful site and professionally use it to earn money and Create a professional and attractive profile that you can work on in your first steps. I will provide you with all the details that help you to professionalize this platform from scratch until creating a service and selling it, God willing.

The Fiverr platform is a suitable option for beginners because it provides easy and guaranteed ways to earn money from home. Rather, today it has become one of the most important platforms for remote work, and with technological development, many ways have appeared to work from home, and among these methods is the sale and purchase of services, and one of the most famous sites that appeared and provided Such services are the Fiverr site and the MOSTAKIL site of the Hsoub company. If you are a beginner and want to work in Fiverr, this is a good option for you because the Fiverr site provides an easy way to work remotely.

Fiverr site to work from home
Fiverr site to work from home

1- Fiverr site

The Fiverr site for working from home is an Arabic site specialized in the field of self-employment affiliated with Hsoub Company . This site offers a way to work on mini-services, whose prices range from $5 to $20. It provides work for any category in the Arab world, and you can work in any field you master. If You can provide many services such as design, translation, data entry, article writing, programming, or any service that has a demand in the labor market. You can provide it on the Fiverr website and work on these services from home with ease.

The best feature of Fiverr is that it provides work even for people who do not have any capabilities or skills because it provides easy ways such as arranging an article, arranging a PDF book, entering data for a company, or many mini-works that you can implement and with continuous work you will gain many experiences Automatically developed and work in many areas.

One of the most important steps that you must take into consideration on the Fiverr site is to work from home, and it is to create a professional profile that attracts any project owner to give you a service to work on because your profile that you will create will be seen by every service provider in the event that you request that you perform the task The service that it provides on the site To work on it, you must create a professional profile carefully.

2- How to use Fiverr

Fiverr site is an integrated Arabic platform for all administrative, accounting, software, design, marketing and all mini-business services. This site was established to help companies complete their mini-services quickly without the need to search for professionals to accomplish this service and also receives young men and women to work on these services provided by these companies To work from home and earn money doing these tasks.

This means that the Fiverr site is an intermediary between you and the owner of the service. This means that the work mechanism on this site is divided into three things : the service provider, the service provider, and the Fiverr platform :

  • Service Provider: It is a company, person, or any entity that provides this service. It displays the service in the form of a product and writes all the details that it wants and writes the amount for this service and how long it takes to complete this task.
  • The user who performs the task : Here the user or people who can perform these tasks choose the service and send a message to the owner of this service that he can perform this type of service after the service owner agrees to accomplish this task. Accomplish this task to implement it based on all the requirements that the service provider wants, work on it, and complete it in the agreed time. After completing this task, you send it to the service provider .
  • Fiverr site: Here comes the role of the Fiverr site, which is considered an intermediary between the service provider and the person who works on the service. Trust me to complete this task .

Now that we understand how to use the Fiverr site to work from home, let us move on to the most important step in this article and create a professional profile that attracts any project owner to you to hire you to work on the service it provides.

3- Register on Fiverr

Now we go to the official website and register on the Fiverr site to create an account of our own to start working. You can go to the official website for the Fiverr site by clicking here to register on the Fiverr site .

After clicking on the registration on the Fiverr site, you will go to the registration and subscription page on the Fiverr site, and you will be asked to enter your e-mail and username. Here you will enter your data, or alternatively, you will register using Google. You and register on the site.

After you type your personal data or register using Google, the site will take you to the page for entering your username, which will appear on the site, and you will enter your name in the Enter the name field as shown in the picture.

After you enter the user name, you will choose the type of account that you want to create on Fiverr. Here you will select the account type. Buyer. This means that you are looking for services to work on. As for a seller, this means that he will provide the services of this option to entrepreneurs who will provide us with services to work. on her .

The services here on the Fiverr site are called buying and selling services. This means that the owner of the service names the seller, while the task performer names the buyer. After you select the type of account, you will specify that you agree to the terms of use of the Fiverr site and click on Register.

After you click on register, the site will take you to the home page of Fiverr.

4- Create a professional profile on Fiverr

After you register, enter your name, and subscribe to the site, we move on to the most important step that we must take, which is to create a professional profile on the Fiverr site that attracts any service provider to hire you to work on what it will provide.

The first step: add the image in the Fiverr platform

Now we move on to the first step to create a professional profile on the Fiverr site to work from home, but you must add a professional photo in order to attract entrepreneurs, and we can access our data in a separate platform to add information and photos by clicking on the icon in the left, a drop-down list will appear for you, you will click To modify the account as shown in the picture.

Second Step: Write the introduction

Writing a profile in Fiverr is one of the most important steps that you must master to attract entrepreneurs to you, and to create a professional profile. I will provide you with some tips that you should know before you write your profile. Now let us move to the writing profile page by returning to the site and clicking On the icon that appears in the north, and after you click on the icon, a menu will appear for you. You will click on Settings as shown in the picture.

After you click on the settings, the site will direct you to your settings page, as shown in the picture.

  • Brief : Here you can write your profile on Fiverr, but before you write the profile, there are some tips that you should take into consideration before you create a profile about the services that you will provide to work in Fiverr.
  • To create a professional profile on Fiverr, you must deal smartly to attract entrepreneurs to you, and to help you create a professional profile on Fiverr. I will provide you with some tips that help you succeed.
  • The first advice : It is okay for you to write a profile about yourself professionally and add things that you did not do, but you must be able to work on them. For example, if you are a skilled designer and can design images, you will create a profile and explain a profile about yourself. You can design images professionally, and you are in this The field is many years and has extensive experience and I have designed a lot of images and so on.
  • You will focus on the details that the project owner is interested in in order to attract him to choose you to work on a legitimate basis, and you will delve deeply into the details of each service that you will provide to work on Fiverr, but you must write things that you really have the ability to work on. Do not write things that you cannot work on. .
  • The second advice : If you have more than one skill, create an account in Fiverr for each service that you will provide and create a different profile that explains the skills about this service. For the many services that you can accomplish, this method helps you to gain the confidence of the project owner for several things, including.
  • First : When you create a different account for each service, you will make it clear to the owner of the project or the person who wants you to work on the service he provides that you are a person who specializes in one skill, which is your field of expertise.
  • Second : You will gain the confidence of the owner of the project when he gives you the service that you do not work with someone else.
  • If you write a lot of tasks in one profile, entrepreneurs will notice that you do many things, this means that you are not a specialist, and secondly, they will suspect that you are a person who writes and deceives, and you cannot perform all these tasks. I hope that I was able to provide you with these important tips.
  • Writing a profile on Fiverr is one of the most important steps that you must follow in order to attract entrepreneurs to you to work on their projects. If you write a professional profile for each service that you will provide, I guarantee you that many entrepreneurs will come for two days to work on their projects, so you should sit Get yourself together and sort out all the services that you can perform and write each one separately.

5- Steps to add the service on the Fiverr site

Adding the service on the Fiverr site is also one of the important steps that you must take into consideration to create a professional profile, and you must take all the advice that I provided you with in writing the profile in adding the service, and you must use all methods of attraction in order to attract the owners of the services that you will write about. For this, you must To sit in a session with yourself, as I told you, and determine what skills you can implement and create an introductory profile for each service that you will work on in Fiverr.

You can add the service on the Fiverr website by going to the main page. There is in front of you at the top of the main page. Add the service. After clicking on it, you will see four options as shown in the picture.

  1. First, it will appear for you to enter the title of the service that you provide, and you will write what service you will provide, for example, writing articles, and explain in the subcategory, for example, writing and translating, or for example, editing photos and writing what you can do with ease.
  2. Choose the classification and sub-category accurately and what are the sub-services that you provide so that the site can bring services that are similar to the data that you enter to provide similar services and work on them.
  3. In the notes, attach some of the work that you have done, and if you do not own any work that you have worked on, then write down some of the work that you have done in your life or your experiences in this service, and these work that you have done must be real and attach them, because these works will be seen by the selling companies or people They want to perform these services that you write and when you have experience in their field of work, you will be very desirable to these companies.
  4. As for the keywords that appear to you below, they mean the most searched keywords in search engines, and the site recommends that you write keywords for your services.
  5. As for the delivery period, it is written how long it takes to complete this service.

After completing these steps carefully, the application will be reviewed for 24 hours, and I guarantee you approval with ease. Work began on the Fiverr site, and after that it depends on your intelligence in marketing and attracting sellers to you to accomplish their tasks.

6- Fiverr platform professional tips

  • The first step that must be followed on the Fiverr site When you register on the Fiverr site, you will create your profile accurately because it will appear with service owners or owners of companies that will ask you to work on their services, and everything that your profile is professional will make you have a strong presence among your competitors.
  • The second step that you must study is knowing what services you will provide. Therefore, you must know what you can do and write it accurately. The more services you can perform, the more points that will enable you to work significantly on the site.
  • After you create your profile and write the services or capabilities that you can work with on Fiverr, your evaluation and all information about you will appear on the site, so you must be careful of what you will write and when writing the services that you can perform, the services must be reliable and correct, and that you can perform them reliably with work This platform is very reliable.
  • While performing your first task, which for beginners is considered the first step to success and obtaining the first amount in exchange for completing this task, Fiverr will deduct the tax from each operation that is completed, which is 20% of the water from each service you perform. This tax is considered as a profit for the site, as it is a source Trust is between you and the owner of the service, and when you reach the amount of $10 dollars, you can easily withdraw your money or use it to buy any services, such as the people who provide services to work on his service.

7- How to pay and buy and sell services

After performing the tasks or submitting the tasks, you will wonder about what methods the site provides for payment operations, how to receive the profits, and how to guarantee receipt of the profits from the Fiverr site after performing the tasks. The Fiverr site provides many ways to receive profits or charge the Fiverr site with the balance to purchase services, and you can pay or purchase in several ways, including

  • You can pay or shop on the Fiverr site and buy services by creating an account on the Fiverr site and charging it with a balance directly, shopping and buying all the services that you want to accomplish, and pay from the site directly without complications, and this service is beautiful for companies that have services that you want to accomplish.
  • Linking your bank account or visa card to a Paypal account, as it does not provide a way for the seller to pay except through Paypal. When purchasing or shopping from the site, you send the amount that was agreed upon to complete the task after the task is performed by the task completer.
  • To withdraw money for the people who complete the task, you will create a PayPal account or any account from the electronic banks, link it to the Fiverr website, and send it to your PayPal account, which has been confirmed from the Fiverr website, to ensure that your fees are taken.
  • Fiverr is the main responsible for receiving profits or purchasing services. It guarantees you as a service provider to perform the task with all the requirements that you want, and also guarantees the user who accomplished this task that his profits will arrive after completing the task with confidence and credibility.

8- Services provided by Fiverr

Fiverr provides all kinds of services that you can perform, but to know what services and what type of service you can perform on the Fiverr site, to make it easier for you.

  1. Business (administrative, accounting, financial, construction, legal, etc.)
  2. E-marketing for some of the products offered by the owner and marketing them in the way you want. Here, the profit is through whoever buys the product through you, you win, and from every operation you win, and you can market these products by creating a blog, or through WhatsApp, or through Facebook, or any of the methods of electronic marketing .
  3. Design, audio formats, or video producers. You can profit from every video, logo design, or audio formats provided by the owner. If you master this field, you are in his court to earn money.
  4. Programming and software development
  5. Technologies for people who have capabilities in information technology.
  6. Training courses, distance teaching and selling training courses.
  7. If you master many languages, Fiverr is the best platform to work on as a translator and earn money from each translation service you perform.
    Writing stories or books and… etc.
  8. And a lot of services

9- Tips for profit from the Fiverr site for beginners

  • Fiverr site offers many services that you can profit from and many people who do not have skills and want to work via the Internet. I advise you on the Fiverr site, as it is the best site for you to gain experience and know the mechanism of working through the Internet, as well as honesty and confidence in dealing on this site.
  • The best feature of the Fiverr site is that it facilitates matters for the service provider and for the completion of this task, and provides financial facilities for payment, purchase, and work with all sincerity, and the field on this site is available for everyone to work in.
  • Just create your own page carefully and provide the services that you can work on, and God willing, there will be someone who will ask you to accomplish this service because the most difficult thing in this method is the beginning, so you have to be determined to continue and get everything you have and I guarantee you success.
  • There are many people who dream of working from the Internet, but believe that he cannot work from the Internet, and that he does not have any capabilities or talent that he can work with, but I do not agree with your opinion on this, because every person in this world has an advantage that makes him a different person, so get out everything inside you and start in the right way You must know what you can offer and what ability you have and use it. You may stumble and get frustrated at the beginning, but do not give up. There is no person in the world who succeeded in accomplishing something and he did not stumble or get frustrated at the beginning. Just stand and continue, do not stop and guarantee you a prosperous future, God willing.
My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.