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10 Steps to Creating a Professional Website from Scratch

The wide spread of the Internet has led to an increase in the demand for websites.

Any project or entity is now required to reserve its space on the network to communicate with customers virtually .

This development coincided with the development of web services solutions, as anyone can design and manage a website without having a technical background.

This is useful as it will avoid you using expensive service offices, and it will also give you more control over the settings without restrictions.

If you are looking to create a professional website for your project, you are in the right place, and the guide in your hands will cover all stages while sharing practical advice and directions.

Also, we will be keen to provide you with the best suggestions and basic services, which will ensure that you develop the site in the fastest time.

Steps to Creating Website

Steps to create a professional website from scratch

Our team explained the steps of creating and designing a professional website from scratch without having experience, in order to help beginners and companies launch projects online at the lowest cost.

1. Determine the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site

There is no doubt that creating a successful website is the result of planning and management, and there is no room for chance at all.

Most beginners are fascinated by the success stories of famous sites and their simple beginnings, but the majority ignore the most important aspect, which is related to reaching the idea of ​​​​the project with its crystallization on the ground.

Defining the idea provides a sound market study, a work map, and an estimate of operating costs in line with the site's objectives.

For example, if you are planning to launch a personal or business blog, I refer you to our practical guide on the steps to create a successful blog.

The guide has been prepared carefully and based on the site’s team’s years of experience in blogging, so it will spare you the need to purchase any paid course or waste time listening to “frivolous” YouTube experts.

2. Choosing the right platform 

Building a website from scratch technically requires design and programming experience, but this barrier is bypassed when using a content management tool (CMS).

Most of the websites available on the Internet use content management platforms because it is an economical option, easy to use and allows designing pages according to taste.

It also helps to link with all the basic plugins such as email, payment gateways, shipping companies and any service you will need depending on the nature of the site.

The best platform is WordPress, which is used by over 43% of websites on the Internet. This fame did not come out of nowhere, but because it is an open source platform that is suitable for all types of websites, and a huge team of thousands of developers spread around the world is watching over its development and updating.

There are other competing platforms such as Shopify , Joomla, Magento and Drupal that work on a small scale, but WordPress remains the most used and most suitable for all types of websites.

To shorten the way, we advise you to use the WordPress platform if you work in blogging, because it is better than Blogger, and it is preferable to use it with an additionWooCommerceTo create professional online stores.

The site team has previously published an in-depth review of the best e-commerce platforms with advantages and disadvantages, which will ensure that you know the cases that suit the use of each platform according to the nature of the online store.

A final tip is to avoid website building services provided by hosting companies or the Wix platform, because they are restricted in settings and produce sites with large file sizes with complex code. This causes slow website loading, which in turn leads to poor user experience and lower sales.

3. Reserve a domain 

The domain is the first interface that customers touch and determines the initial impression about the professionalism of the project, so care must be taken to choose a brand name that is distinctive and expressive of the identity of the website project. Here are the most important tips that must be adhered to while reserving a domain, which are approved by experts:

  • Choose an attractive and easy-to-remember brand name.
  • Not using numbers and punctuation marks.
  • Avoid infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • Do not limit the domain name to a specific domain.
  • Search for a domain usage archive, if any.
  • Enable Whois Protection to block registration data.
  • Ensure that JoJo is not penalized for the domain name previously.

Personally, I have been using Namecheap for years to manage all the domain names I own, as I manage many websites and do domains trading on a regular basis.

Namecheap is very reliable and has a good reputation among the pioneers of website development, which makes it take the lead in the list of the best domain reservation sites.

If you are free, the guide will help you to have a good idea of ​​the advantages of each site separately, and will also guide you to some additional factors that you should pay attention to when working on reserving a domain.

4. Invest in professional hosting

 When it comes to choosing the right hosting company, it is imperative to bet on a reliable and reputable company.

Also, it must have respectful and responsive customer service, without forgetting to use the latest protection software to secure website files and customer data.

Another point of interest for beginners is protecting the site and securing it from hacking, and this will not be achieved without investing in professional hosting and its software is constantly updated.

Most of the WordPress hacks are done by exploiting the XML-RPC protocol, so you should avoid using shared hosting as much as possible, which often ignores the operating companies to cover this vulnerability .

It should be noted that closing XML-RPC vulnerabilities is outside the control of the client, but rather under the direct responsibility of the company operating the servers.Choosing the appropriate hosting for your website is not easy, as many semi-experts and scammers mislead beginners with unfounded information.

Also, many companies promote hosting services for small amounts such as $ 2 per month, so is professional hosting so cheap? Certainly not.

This type of opportunistic company takes advantage of the ignorance of beginners in the basics of developing and designing websites, and it also offers good temptations to unethical marketers in order to help attract victims.

We previously exposed these fraudulent methods in a separate article that we dedicated to rating and reviewing bad Bluehost hosting, which is considered the most popular company that targets beginners.

I'm sure you've come across it everywhere before browsing the article, or at least you've come across some other companies like Hostinger that adopt the same fraudulent tactics.

According to my long experience in the field, I believe that the fair price for professional and suitable hosting for small sites ranges between $15 and $35 per month, depending on the type of servers, memory size, storage space, bandwidth, approved add-ons and the nature of the subscription.

If you are interested in more details, you can read our review in which we explained and evaluated the best professional hosting companies , and the great thing is that some of them offer new customers the opportunity to test the performance of servers for free before purchasing, such as Cloudways hostingTrusted.

For reference, our website team is keen on credibility, so we only suggest to followers the tools that we use and trust in their quality. For example, an adventurous blog site that has been using Cloudwise hosting since its launch without any problems , and you can also confirm the excellent rate of loading speed of our pages by using the Google test to measure the speed of web loadingPageSpeed Insights.

5. Use a responsive and fast loading template

The template used plays a major role in determining the user experience index, especially as it affects the consistency of content display, page loading speed and the ease of use of plugins. The most important factors that must be respected when choosing a template:

  • Use simple and well-coordinated code.
  • Adopting a responsive design (Mobile Responsive).
  • Easy to customize and make adjustments.
  • Load the template with as few HTTP requests as possible.
  • It has a large developer base and is constantly updated.
  • Compatibility with plugins.
  • Integration of key SEO settings into the control interface.

For reference, a professional template may cost you between $50 to about $400, depending on the nature of the website, the developer company, and the supported plugins.

Most websites use ready-made templates because they are professional and less expensive, and their installation and modification does not require any experience.

To make it short, you can check out our guide to the best and fastest WordPress themes , which have been carefully selected according to the above factors and other indicators that have been carefully explained.

Also, website project owners can hire a freelancer or a team to develop the template from scratch, but this option will cost at least $1,000 depending on the nature of the project.

Personally, I use the well-known Divi template to design all my websites, including the Mughammar blog that you are browsing now, which I advise you to try.

6. Simple and attractive logo design

Logo design standards must be taken very seriously, as it is one of the main components of the website and its distinguishing mark when managing advertising campaigns.

The function of a logo is to define a distinctive visual identity for the site, but its greatest impact is to form an emotional relationship with customers. Most of the faces of successful brands are similar in simplicity, relying on the least number of colors while using dark ones as possible.

Also, additional elements are not used extensively, with the exception of the old signs that were intended for paper saws instead of electronic device screens.

If you are fond of drawing or have experience in graphic design, I don't think you will have a problem finding the right logo idea. Personally, I do not have much experience in graphic design, so I always rely on freelancers services on the Fiverr Business platform to get things done.My choice of the Fiverr Business platform is not coincidental, but rather because it enables me to deal with qualified experts at a cheaper price compared to most competing freelance platforms.

Finally, I advise you to read this guide on the most important steps to building a successful and influential brand , which will provide you with the necessary instructions for professional branding and professional logo design as soon as possible.

7. Main interface design 

It is noticeable that most beginners make catastrophic mistakes when working on designing the interface of websites, by using too many fonts and inconsistent colors.

More logo space is also allocated than is theoretically allowed, which translates into horrible browsing on mobile phones.

The most dangerous thing is that some forget to even publish the main content before opening the site to the public, which leads to alienating users and ignoring Google bots to archive the site's pages. There is a lot of talk about the nature of mistakes made by beginners, and there is no way to explain them, but here are the most important factors that must be taken into account when working on the design of the main interface:

  • Adopt simple design.
  • Use consistent, well-sized fonts.
  • Appropriately sized logo.
  • Avoid using too many colors as they are distracting.
  • A white background is preferred.
  • Ensure easy navigation and navigation between pages.
  • Organize the content and make it easy to read.
  • Publishing the main pages such as the definition of the site (who are we?), the usage agreement, the privacy policy, and the contact page. 

I would like to remind you that publishing the main pages is important before opening the site to visitors, as no one will want to browse an anonymous site and do not respect the minimum conditions of professionalism. 

Also, this is necessary to enhance the credibility of search engine bots upon their first visit to the site, which will enhance the speed of archiving and the rate at which pages appear when searching for related keywords.

8. Install basic plugins 

The basic paid plugins are mainly content editing and formatting tools, as well as important cache applications to speed up page loading and adjust SEO settings.

The rest of the services, such as image compression and social media sharing buttons, can be obtained using free add-ons. This paragraph will not address all additions, but it will be limited to the most important ones to ensure that the site works in the best conditions.

Elementor: Elementor is one of the best and most popular tools for creating WordPress pages. As of the date of writing the article, it has more than 4 million active users.

Elementor secures page and template editing by drag and drop only, thus providing the ability to add elements to web pages without having to deal with code . This plugin will save you from any problems when trying to edit pages on demand, add tables, display products and notices to customers.

WP RocketUndoubtedly, the hosting used plays a major role in determining site speed, but caching plugins help web pages load faster.

WP Rocket is the best caching plugin, it compresses files and supports WebP images for modern browsers. This ensures that server resources are used less when passing the site browsing request, thus loading pages as quickly as possible.

An adventurous blog site using the WP Rocket plugin, and you can test the performance of the pages with one of them Websites measure the download speed of websites To see what difference the extension makes.

All in One SEOAny professional website that tries to compete to attract visitors from search engines, especially the giant Google, which controls 91% of searches.

This reality pushes website developers to focus on publishing exclusive and high-quality content, and also adjust SEO settings well to reach the largest number of customers.

Personally, I prefer adding All in One SEO over the rest of the competitors, especially when compared to its competitor Yoast, which has become focused on exploiting customers with a lot of paid services instead of improving services. 

9. Content and marketing industry

The distinctive thing about websites is that they are not born with a specific age or path, as their success is mainly related to the quality of the content and the marketing strategies adopted.

There is no business plan without publishing exclusive and updated content on a regular basis, just as there is no hope for success without marketing the content to reach the largest number of customers.

Content industry and marketing strategies differ according to the type of site, but they are similar in keenness to get ahead of exclusive content and spy on competitors.

For example , working in blogging requires publishing exclusive articles in the hope of competing for visitors from the search engine, while working as a dropshipping storeIt requires spending the most time searching for winning products and launching advertising campaigns to target customers from social media.

If you are on a tight budget and have some good skills, you have no choice but to do all the errands on your own. On the other hand, you can use the services of freelancers on freelancing sites , and form a team to get faster results.

E-commerce is primarily an investment, not a game of roulette, and this matter I tried hard to explain in all my previous reviews and articles on Mughamer's blog.

10. Study the behavior of visitors 

The main indicator of the success of any site is the high number of visitors to the site, but maintaining good results requires studying the traffic and behavior of visitors carefully.

You can obtain high-accuracy reports for visitors by linking the site to specialized Google services, and all you have to review them weekly or monthly, depending on the nature of the project. data study Google AnalyticsAnd Google Search ConsoleIt helps to know the source of visits, the behavior of visitors within the site, and the volume of sales.

Numbers do not lie or flatter, so these reports provide a clear picture of good content and successful marketing strategies. This will benefit you in making the most effective investment in content, and will also give you a clear idea of ​​the site's growth opportunities and enhance its attractiveness to customers.

Also, in the same way, you can obtain advertising campaign data from social networking sites and Google, and thus you will closely monitor the fate of any dollar you spend on developing the site.

Finally, if you are thinking about the best ways to diversify sources of income via the Internet, I recommend that you browse our list of the best electronic project ideas to choose the most suitable for your skills and the size of the approved investment.


The project of creating a website should be taken very seriously, which requires a good budget and investment in the best tools available.

The cost of creating a website for small projects and companies ranges between a minimum of $500 and $3,500, depending on the nature of the site type, the scripts used, operating costs, as well as the expenses of using freelancers or service offices to help. If your site is simple or a store, you can reduce the cost to a minimum by following the steps above.Remember also that creating a professional website and achieving successive profits over a period of 12 months or more may make you eligible to sell it at least twice as much as 28* depending on the average monthly profit rate and the nature of the site.

Now it is the turn to hear the views of the followers and their impressions about the article, and the door is open to questions and suggestions.

Finally, do not hesitate to support the site team and motivate it to share more valuable information, by sharing the article with friends and those interested in the field of e-commerce.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.