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All you need to know about profit from blogging for beginners

It is possible for novice bloggers to earn a profit through their blog. Contrary to popular belief, making a living from blogging is not a myth. In fact, the answer to both questions is a resounding yes.

Earning money from blogging is not a far-fetched idea, but rather an attainable reality. With just a fundamental understanding of blogging, basic knowledge of SEO, and a general comprehension of how the internet functions, anyone can create a blog and capitalize on it.

How bloggers make money

This blog post provides a concrete illustration of how to earn money from blogging. Its purpose is to guide novice bloggers towards profitable blogging by helping them avoid common pitfalls and unproductive activities. Drawing from personal experience, the author, who began blogging in 2012, aims to spare others from the confusion they faced when trying to understand how blogging can generate income.

Through years of experience, the author discovered what they were doing wrong and how to correct it. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that will put beginners on the right path from the outset and equip them with a solid strategy for achieving results as quickly as possible.

However, it's important to acknowledge that making money through blogging is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of effort and hard work. Nonetheless, it can also be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding jobs in the world, as the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of creating a business that relies solely on your abilities and strengths is priceless.

profit from blogging for beginners
profit from blogging for beginners

Did you ever contemplate the reason behind the plethora of articles on "how to earn money through blogging"? If someone knows the secret formula, why would they divulge it to the world instead of keeping it to themselves to make more money? The answer is straightforward: every blogger aspires to reach a point where they earn money online and then share their knowledge on starting a blogging business with others.

However, as we will discover later on, it is also a means of generating revenue through affiliate marketing or by creating and selling your products while leveraging your success.

How do you make money from a blog?

If you're wondering how bloggers make money online, there are seven steps you can follow to do the same.

Step one is setting up your blog, followed by posting high-quality content in step two. Step three involves building organic traffic to your blog, while step four is about cultivating a community around your brand. Once you've completed these initial steps, you can start making money by selling ads (step five), offering your own products or services (step six), or taking advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities (step seven).

While this process may seem simple, it's important to note that some steps can be more challenging than others. You'll need the right knowledge, tools, and a healthy dose of patience to succeed.

Step 1: Set up your blog

Registering a domain name and starting a blog has become very simple nowadays. With some guidance and direction, anyone can get started. Setting up a blog can be a complicated process, but fortunately, there is a tutorial available that provides all the necessary information for beginners.

This tutorial is a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about blogging, and it can help you save time and avoid stress that comes with searching for this information online.

Mistakes to avoid when creating your own blog

If you're new to blogging, it's perfectly normal to make mistakes. However, it's important to learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. When starting a blog, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep your main goal in mind: making money online. Your ultimate objective is to generate income from your blog, so don't lose sight of this.
  • Create content that is unique to your website and not a duplicate of something that has already been published. Additionally, make sure your content is free of spelling and grammatical errors, meaningful, impartial, and helpful to your readers.
  • Focus on creating content that is easy to read and helps your readers do, understand, or learn something.

As a beginner, it's common to spend a lot of time and effort designing the "perfect blog." However, it's important to remember that in the early stages, when there isn't much traffic, no one really cares about your website's design, not even Google.

While website design is important, it's not crucial in the early stages. Your main priority at this stage should be to run your blog and create content that will attract traffic from search engines or increase the number of visitors to your site.

It takes a lot of effort to attract visitors (and leads), so you should focus your energy on these tasks from the beginning.

  1. To have a successful website, it's important to own your own domain and have a self-hosted blog rather than using a free platform like Medium or Blogger. This will ensure that you have more control over your website and its content. Blogger is a great choice for beginners.
  2. When starting a website, it's best to keep things simple. Avoid overcomplicating things as it can lead to confusion and frustration. Focus on learning and progressing, as you will likely change your approach over time. Save your energy and time for more complex tasks.

Step 2: Start posting good content

Starting a blog is an exciting endeavor, but creating quality content can be one of the most challenging tasks. It's important to understand that a blog without content is essentially nothing, while a blog with mediocre content won't stand out amongst the millions of existing blogs. On the other hand, a blog with great content can become a lucrative business and bring in traffic and credibility.

Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize creating high-quality content from the beginning. By doing so, you'll not only attract more traffic, but also establish credibility and potentially monetize your blog. Ultimately, the success of your blog hinges on the quality of its content, so it's essential to put in the effort to make it stand out.

what is good content? Or high quality content!

Creating high-quality blog content goes beyond just text. It can also include images, videos, graphics, or even audio. However, when it comes to achieving high search engine rankings, text-based content is essential.

Starting with simple text-based content is recommended, and later, other templates can be added to enhance the overall quality of the content.

Good content should possess the following qualities:

  • Unique to your website and not copied from another source.
  • Free from spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Meaningful and relevant to your target audience.
  • Unbiased in its presentation of information.
  • Provides value by helping people learn, understand or do something.
  • Easy to read and understand.

If the above list seems confusing, don't worry. With more experience, you will develop a better understanding of what makes content good.

Here are some practical tips for creating high-quality content for your website.

Select a subject that sparks your interest for writing, reading, and researching.

In order to produce content that meets the standards of high-quality content, it's essential to choose a topic that you're passionate about. Writing on a subject that doesn't interest you can make the writing process challenging, leading to the likelihood of giving up before even beginning.

To create a successful for-profit blog, you must generate a significant amount of content and develop new ideas and topics frequently. Therefore, keep this in mind when selecting your niche.

Choose a topic that has a sizable audience.

Being passionate about a subject is not enough; it's crucial to ensure that others share your enthusiasm as well. To make money from your blog, you will need people to purchase your products or for advertisers to pay for ad space on your blog.

If your chosen topic does not have a considerable audience, you will not be able to achieve either of the above goals. Conducting initial research on your niche potential is straightforward by performing keyword searches on Google.

Check the number of results and the types of websites that appear on the first few pages of Google.

Keep your focus specific and avoid expanding too much.

While having a significant audience for your topic is crucial, it's also essential not to broaden your scope too much. There are already thousands of websites covering a wide range of topics, making it difficult to stand out.

Trending topics may have a more extensive audience but are also highly competitive. As a solo blogger, it may be easier to compete with other bloggers than with online companies that have a team of writers and SEOs working for them.

Here's an example to help clarify this concept.

Suppose you're passionate about "fitness" and "healthy living." If you perform a Google search for "weight loss" or "dieting," you'll discover thousands of results, many of which are from magazines or websites that have been around for years and have thousands of pages of content.

A new website cannot compete with these established websites for such general terms and obtain Google traffic.

Instead, you can narrow down your subject area and focus on a specific field that is still related to your passion but with less competition. For instance, "Tips on healthy living for children."

This topic generates a lot of interest, especially from parents who want to learn how to provide a healthy lifestyle for their children and have the money to purchase a product, such as an e-book, to assist them in doing so.

The process of discovering what to write on your blog is known as keyword research, and it's a skill you need to learn from the very beginning.

Step 3: Build organic traffic to your blog

To summarize the process thus far, the first step involves registering your domain and setting up your blog. The second step entails determining the topics to cover on your blog and becoming proficient in conducting keyword research. The subsequent step involves initiating the generation of organic traffic to your blog, which is what will be expounded upon in this section.

What is organic traffic?

Generating organic traffic from search engines, particularly Google, is crucial for monetizing your blog. Organic traffic is more valuable than other forms of traffic because it is driven by user intent.

When a user types a search query into Google, their intent is clear. They may be seeking answers to a question, looking to learn something, find information, or make a purchase. The keywords used in their search query reflect their intent.

For instance, if a user searches for "how to conduct an SEO audit of my website," they are likely seeking a step-by-step guide on the process. To rank for this or a similar keyword, you need to provide Google with a comprehensive guide on performing a manual SEO audit.

By doing this correctly, your blog posts can rank highly on Google, which will result in targeted organic traffic to your blog.

How do you get traffic from Google to your blog?

Organic search traffic is the most valuable source of traffic for your blog because it results in conversions. By "conversion," we refer to several factors, such as longer page visit duration, increased newsletter subscriptions, higher likelihood of service inquiries, and greater potential for product sales. While we will explore each of these benefits in more detail later, it is essential to understand how you can increase your blog's search engine traffic.

To enhance your blog's search engine traffic, you must have excellent content. This point bears repeating because it is critical. If your content does not meet Google's standards, the strategies we discuss below will not be effective.

You need to correct your technical SEO

Technical SEO involves configuring your blog and ensuring that it is well-optimized for search engines. While some blogging platforms, such as Blogger, are already SEO-friendly, there are still several essential elements that must be reviewed and improved upon.

These elements include the structure of your blog, the structure of your URLs, optimizing your XML sitemap, utilizing header tags, implementing canonical URLs, optimizing category pages and tags, improving site speed, ensuring that your blog is mobile-friendly and fast-loading on mobile devices, and utilizing SEO Webmaster Tools.

All of these components are critical to the success of your blog's technical SEO strategy.

You need to improve and correct the internal SEO of your blog

On-Page SEO is a step further than technical SEO, as it focuses on optimizing website pages and content for search engines to increase visibility. During an internal SEO review, some areas of focus include enhancing titles and descriptions, post length, incorporating photos and videos, utilizing proper headings and article formatting, and implementing internal linking strategies for optimal SEO results.

You need to improve work on external SEO as well

The strategies outlined earlier for increasing organic traffic are focused on improving elements within your website. However, off-page SEO is another critical factor in generating more search engine traffic. Off-page SEO involves promoting your website on the web to increase visibility of your content, products, or services. In essence, you need to make other website owners aware of your website's presence. There are numerous benefits to implementing off-page SEO techniques, such as higher search engine rankings for websites that receive links from other sites, increased traffic, and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche. As previously discussed, while good on-page SEO can land you on the first pages of search results, effective off-page SEO can propel you to the top positions. Link building is the most widely used and successful off-page SEO strategy.

What is internal link building?

Search engine ranking algorithms continually strive to assess the quality of websites. The primary objective of search engines, particularly Google, is to keep users satisfied by providing websites with excellent content, easy navigation, and high-quality user experiences.

In addition to internal SEO improvements, a useful strategy to demonstrate that your website is of high quality is to have external links from other reputable websites that point to your pages. Generally, a website with more inbound links will rank higher in SERPS, all things being equal.

Link building is a complex topic that can be challenging for beginner bloggers to comprehend. Based on my experience and feedback from my blog readers and clients, I can confirm this fact.

At this point, it is essential to understand the following about link building:

  • The number of links is not as crucial as the quality of the links. There is no specific number of links required to achieve high rankings; instead, the source of the links matters more.
  • Links from related websites with high Google trust are more valuable than those from low-quality websites, such as article directories.
  • If you engage in black hat link building practices, such as buying links or exchanging them with others, Google will penalize your website. Your rankings will plummet, and you may face significant problems.

How do you increase your blog visits by building links?

There are several link building techniques that are commonly used, and some of the most popular ones include:

  • Guest posting on high-authority websites that have a larger and more prominent presence than your own site.
  • Including links to other websites in your content and then reaching out to the owners of those sites to let them know about it. If they find your site valuable, they might decide to link back to your content.
  • Contacting other webmasters and submitting your own website and content to them for consideration.

Step 4: Build a community around your brand

After you've created a blog with high-quality content and attracted traffic, the next step is to establish a community around your brand.

Novices frequently overlook this step and focus solely on monetization, but this is not the most effective approach.

Before you can make any conversions or sales, you must first establish user trust, which can be accomplished through community building.

It's important to note that the term "brand" is used intentionally rather than just a blog.

At this point, you should stop thinking of your blog as a hobby and begin treating it as a legitimate business, with branding being a critical component of any successful enterprise, including your blog.

There are many branding options available, such as having a unique tagline or a standout logo, but community building is one of the most effective ways to establish your brand.

What is community building for a blog?

To put it simply, the goal is to create a community of people who will follow your blog, engage with your content, and potentially buy your products or services. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Email Marketing: By creating an email list, you can notify your community of new content, gather feedback, and sell products or services.
  2. Social Networks: Build your presence on social media channels where your potential followers are, such as Facebook and Twitter. Focus on your target audience and connect with people who can become potential customers.
  3. Send Notifications: Notify your community each time a new post is published by allowing them to sign up for push notifications.
  4. Respond to Comments: Engage with your readers by responding to their comments on your blog. This will encourage more people to post their comments and build a sense of community.

It's important to offer value and gain the trust of your audience before they will become loyal followers. Building a community takes time, but with consistent effort, it is an effective way to grow your blog and business.

Step 5: Start making money by selling ads

Have you noticed the multitude of steps required to reach the stage of earning money?

While this blog post concerns monetizing your blog, the majority of its content addresses the prerequisites that precede this stage, which accurately reflects the real-world process of earning money through blogging.

It's crucial to remember that you won't earn any money through your blog if:

  • Your website isn't receiving enough traffic.
  • You don't possess a decent mailing list.
  • You lack a community of loyal followers.
  • Your content isn't up to par.

Assuming that you have successfully accomplished the aforementioned tasks, let's explore the methods of earning money online and rewarding yourself for your diligent efforts.

Selling advertising space: Google Adsense

I must confess that I am a big fan of AdSense! As an AdSense publisher for over 6 years, I have found that while there are other alternatives available, Google AdSense remains one of the best ways to generate income online.

I have been using AdSense on my blogs and have managed to earn an impressive 5-figure sum thus far. However, there are certain cases where AdSense may not be the most effective way to monetize your blog, as you will discover below.

Here are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to making money with AdSense:

  • Easy and dependable

AdSense is incredibly user-friendly and dependable. All you require is a blog with high-quality content and traffic.

Simply add AdSense to your blog, and when someone clicks on one of the ads, you will receive 68% of the money paid by the advertiser (with the remaining 32% going to Google as their commission for providing the service).

It is dependable because you know that Google will pay you on time and take every necessary measure to safeguard the system against fraud.

You have the option to choose the type of ads to display, how often to display them, what they will look like, and a host of other options.

How much money can you earn from AdSense?

The amount of money you can earn through Adsense is determined by three factors:

  1. The level of organic traffic to your site
  2. The placement of your ads
  3. The number of advertisers in your niche.

Let's look at these factors:

It goes without saying that the more traffic your website receives, the more money you can earn from Adsense.

To generate revenue through Adsense, it is essential that visitors click on the ads displayed on your website. The placement of these ads on the page plays a crucial role in determining their effectiveness. It is advisable to experiment with various ad placements to identify the most profitable option. However, positioning Adsense ads within the main content of the page (as opposed to the footer or sidebar) can lead to higher Click-Through Rates (CTR), resulting in increased earnings. Additionally, ads placed above the fold, i.e., visible on the screen without scrolling, generally perform better.

Below is an example of how Adsense ads can be incorporated into the content of a blog post.

Adsense is an auction-type system that is based on keywords. When a user searches on Google and then visits a website that contains Adsense ads, the system attempts to display ads that are relevant to the search query.

If there is a lot of competition, meaning that there are many relevant ads, this will increase the amount that advertisers are willing to pay and ultimately increase the amount that you earn.

Is it possible to promote your blog or merchandise using AdSense?

Yes, you can do so by utilizing Google AdWords. AdWords is an advertising platform that enables advertisers to showcase their advertisements on Google search and AdSense websites.

However, it's crucial to remember that you cannot use AdWords to drive PPC (pay-per-click) traffic to a landing page that features AdSense. This was a previously popular technique to make significant amounts of money, but it's no longer allowed.

When is the optimal moment to employ AdSense?

AdSense is best used on websites that cover a broad range of topics, such as news portals, magazines, newspapers, and forums.

AdSense is also effective when used on websites that focus on healthy living, such as fitness blogs and weight loss sites.

Websites with a significant number of page views are ideal for using AdSense.

When is it preferable not to use AdSense?

It's not advisable to use AdSense if you can create and sell your own products or services.

It's also not recommended to use AdSense if you can earn money through affiliate marketing.

Step 6: Profit from selling your products or services

I mentioned earlier that I do not utilize AdSense on my other websites since the main goal of this blog is not to earn money from ads. Rather, I use this platform to endorse other products and services.

To illustrate, when you sell ad space on your blog, what occurs? You only receive a portion of the revenue, as 30% goes to the medium (advertising company) and the advertiser profits from your content and hard work.

To minimize losses, it would be beneficial to consider developing and selling your own products or services.

Establishing a successful online business is not a simple task, despite how it may seem. It requires a significant amount of commitment and hard work to produce products that customers are willing to invest in. However, this is the most efficient approach to building a sustainable online business in the long run.

Having your own products can significantly increase your earnings, as each effort to attract more traffic equates to more sales.

E-books and online courses are the easiest types of products to create and sell online via your blog.

Before investing any time and potentially money in developing your own product, it is recommended that you conduct some research.

To be more specific, you should answer these four questions:

  • What kind of product should you create?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • How much should you charge?
  • How can you test your product concept before creating the product?

To address the first three questions, you will need to conduct research to determine what is currently available in the market, who is selling it, and at what price.

However, even if you have this information, it is still critical to determine if your product concept will sell before you invest time and resources in creating it, and this is what I will explain below.

When I considered developing a site-building course and offering it through my blog, I was uncertain if my readers and community would be willing to purchase it. After all, there are hundreds of free website builder tutorials available.  

To test my idea, I took the following steps:

  • I created a sales page for my course.
  • I added call-to-action banners in my posts and sidebar to direct traffic to the sales page.
  • After clicking on the "Buy Now" button, users were directed to the checkout page. Nonetheless, upon attempting to finalize the transaction, they were met with a message notifying them that the product was currently unavailable.

that gave me the motivation to create the course.

I conducted this test for a period of two weeks and learned the following:

  • The number of clicks on call-to-action boxes (I tested various messages and determined which one converted the best)
  • The number of visits to the sales page
  • The number of visitors who demonstrated an intent to complete their purchase by visiting the checkout page and clicking on the "Buy Now" button

I also obtained information such as the country of origin, device used, and other details about the visitors.

In summary, conducting research, generating ideas, and testing them is crucial. If the test yields positive results, proceed with execution. Otherwise, repeat the process until you achieve success.

Step 7: Earn from affiliate marketing

Finally, an additional method to earn income through your blog is by promoting other individuals' products (whether digital or physical) in exchange for a commission. This practice is commonly referred to as affiliate marketing. Below is a summary of the steps involved in this process:

  • Locate the products that you wish to endorse
  • Register for the affiliate marketing program associated with those products, and obtain a unique link and any necessary banners for promotion
  • Embed the links or banners within your blog
  • When a user clicks on one of the links, they will be redirected to the provider's website
  • If they decide to make a purchase, you will receive the agreed-upon commission.

While affiliate marketing may sound like an easy way to make money, finding the right products to promote and testing their profitability among your audience can be a challenging task. To ensure success, it's important to keep the following things in mind:

  • To maintain the trust of your readers, it is essential to endorse only those products that you have personally utilized and have confidence in. Endorsing products that are unreliable may harm your reputation.
  • Avoid creating websites or web pages that solely exist to generate affiliate revenue. Your website should provide real value to users without being overly promotional, as Google tends to favor such websites.
  • Strike a balance between providing value and promoting products. As a good marketer, your focus should be on adding value to your readers' lives first, and then suggesting relevant products. Over-promoting products can turn off readers and harm your credibility.


Making money through blogging is not just a theoretical concept, it is a proven reality for thousands of bloggers. These bloggers earn money by selling ad space, their own products or services, or through affiliate marketing.

The key traits that successful bloggers share include having excellent content on their blogs, building a community around their blog, using multiple methods to make money, and having years of experience blogging before being able to make a living from it.

If you've reached this point, it's safe to say that anyone can learn how to make money through blogging. The amount of money you make is directly correlated to the effort and time you put into it.

However, it's important to note that making money through blogging is not a quick or easy task, and it may take years of patience and hard work before seeing significant results. But, as mentioned before, once you achieve success, it can be one of the most rewarding jobs in the world!

FAQs About profit from blogging for beginners


1- Is it possible for small blogs to generate income?

Blogging is not just a hobby, it can also be a source of income that allows you to live life on your own terms. There are various ways to monetize your website traffic, and by following these tips, you can increase your audience, establish your reputation, and make your content profitable.

2- Can blogging make me a millionaire?

Today's successful bloggers are entrepreneurs, and many of them are self-made millionaires. The great thing about blogging is that anyone can do it, provided they have the right niche, credibility, and enough commitment.

3- How much can I earn from blogging in the first month?

If you're wondering how much a beginner blogger can earn in India, the average salary is INR 18,622 per month. A beginner blogger can expect to earn around $300-$400 a month, while more experienced bloggers can earn up to $3000+.

4- Who pays bloggers?

In most cases, the ad network a blogger is associated with pays them a monthly income. Sometimes, brands may contact the blogger directly to place an ad on their blog. In this case, the brand will negotiate a rate and pay the blogger directly.

5- How do bloggers receive payment?

Below are a few strategies for generating income through blogging:

  • Ads
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Offering physical or digital products
  • Subscriptions
  • Coaching.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.